Cherry - planting and care

Previously, cherry could only be found in the Crimea and the Caucasus, then accidentally she got to Rome, and then this culture began its "wanderings" around the world. Now this fruit tree can be found almost throughout Europe.

In our country, cherry is popular, and many gardeners plant these fruit trees on their plots, but not everyone knows how to do it properly, so that they bring a generous and delicious harvest.

Cherry - planting, care and pruning

Cherry is a self-fruit fruit tree. In other words, she can not pollinate her own flowers, but only pollen of other varieties. Therefore, in the garden area you need to plant several different varieties of wood. But you need to know some more factors of cultivation and care of cherries so that it does not hurt and fruited well.

This fruit tree loves loamy soil. Ideally, if the underground water there will not be deeper than one and a half meters.

To give an exact answer when it is best to plant cherry seedlings - in autumn or spring, is very difficult. This question can not answer even the most experienced gardeners. But most prefer the spring, arguing that the roots of the seedlings before the winter frosts will improve well, and will have a better chance of survival.

Of great importance is the density of planting. Therefore, if you decided to make a cherry garden on your site, remember that the distance between the trees should be at least two meters, and in the aisle - about 2.5.

Planting seedlings in the ground, prepare a pit in diameter of 60 cm and 50 cm in advance in depth. At its bottom, add a fertilizer mixed with the soil, and proceed to planting. Then around the seedling build a hole for irrigation and pour it.

After the tree is planted, do not forget to periodically loosen the earth around it to saturate the soil with oxygen. Also it is necessary to regularly remove weeds from the infield, especially near the trunks. It is important to properly feed cherries, this has a positive effect on its growth and allows increasing yield. Fertilizing fruit trees is year-round, except for winter, but in autumn and spring the feeding for them is different. In the spring - ash and nitrogen fertilizers. In the autumn - potash and phosphoric.

The cherry has a very strong growth of shoots, so it can form a large number of small branches and a dense crown. This leads, as a rule, to small fruits that will not ripen badly due to a lack of sun, which is difficult to get through thick branches. To avoid this, you should trim the cherry.

Proper care of your cherry garden leads to a chic and very tasty harvest.