Reproduction of honeysuckle cuttings in spring

Honeysuckle is a very beautiful shrub that has recently become quite popular with gardeners. Beautiful appearance during flowering, tasty and insanely useful berries , which have medicinal properties - is not that enough to plant it on your site?

Berries of honeysuckle are a storehouse of useful elements, such as iron, pectin, vitamin C, vitamin B and antioxidants. You can make delicious compotes and jams from fruits, but in most cases they are simply frozen for the winter, as in this form honeysuckle preserves almost all useful elements.

People who have ever encountered this berry, know perfectly well about its merits, but not everyone knows how to multiply and plant it.

Methods of reproduction of honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is not a self-pollinated culture, therefore, in order that it regularly and abundantly bear fruit, at least three different varieties should be planted on the site.

Often people who decide to acquire a honeysuckle bushes on their site may face some problems. The first is the price category of seedlings. In the markets, they are sold at fabulous prices. The second is not the taste that the berries you have tried at the neighbor's site.

The only way out of this situation is to learn how to independently propagate honeysuckle. Thanks to this you will be able to propagate exactly the variety that you liked and get as much planting material as you need.

Honeysuckle can be propagated by seeds, layers and cuttings. And the most successful way is vegetative.

Vegetative reproduction of honeysuckle

Reproduction of honeysuckle by green cuttings does not at all differ from the reproduction of black currant. Cuttings should be taken from the bush in the spring, even before its flowering, or in the summer in the period when the fruits ripen or the bushes have already finished fruit. So you will get green cuttings.

The most favorable moment for cutting green cuttings comes when the first berries begin to ripen. On the cut should be 2 internodes, i.e. two or three kidneys. We make a cut with a skew, so it will be more convenient to insert it into the ground later. From the cut to the lower kidney should be a distance of 2 cm. Then cut all the leaves on the cuttings, except the top. This is done to reduce the evaporation of moisture.

Then we dip the lower part of the cuttings into the water for about a day. After you pull them out of the water, treat the cut with the "root". At this preparation of the cuttings is over, you can plant them in a prepared shank. If you do not have a canopy, plant it immediately in the garden, just cover them with plastic bottles, but not tightly, so that fresh air can be accessed.

When everything is planted, it remains to wait and maintain a moderate soil moisture until a new growth occurs. Then it is already possible to produce watering as the soil dries up.

Rooting of honeysuckle cuttings will begin about 25 days after disembarkation. But you should know that not all planted cuttings can take roots, usually only 50% get accustomed.

Hide shelter from the cuttings in no hurry. Plants are still very weak, so they need to be taught gradually without shelter. You can completely remove it at the end of August, and if the warm weather allows, then in September.

For winter saplings sprinkle with foliage, and when snow falls, then pripopishite them. Early in the spring, when the snow comes down, the plants need to be opened very neatly. Honeysuckle wakes up and starts up in growth at low plus temperatures.

Reproduction of honeysuckle in spring

Prepared since the fall, lignified cuttings, you need to plant in a loose and moist soil. We plant obliquely and so that only the upper kidney of the cut remains above the surface of the soil. Spring rooting takes about three weeks.

If someone does not know how to prepare the cuttings from the fall, it does not matter - we will now tell you. In autumn, after the fall leaf, the cuttings are cut from the branches of one-year increment. Each cut should have 4-5 internodes. Keep them until the spring in a cool place.