Make-up artist uses for make-up of insects, and it's creepy to goosebumps!

Well, how many times have we said that beauty bloggers will not surprise us at all, but they get better than the old ones? And believe me - you will remember this post for a long time ...

The make-up artist under the name Butterfly Jasmine decided that sparkles, pom-poms, fur, rhinestones or drawings with a 3D effect in make-up - it's quite boring and irrelevant. Whether it's to decorate the girls face with real ... insects! Yes, you read everything correctly - Butterfly Jasmine finds in his garden or orders all sorts of butterflies, flies, beetles, spiders, grasshoppers and other animals on special sites, which has already "thrown off the wings" and finds their place in their beauty-works.

In a word, now you will understand that beauty is not only a terrible force, but also very creepy and impressive to goosebumps in the truest sense of the word!

1. This butterfly has only recently flown!

2. We also do not believe our eyes!

3. Sorry, forgot to warn that this post is not for the faint-hearted!

4. And this beetle in makeup is also real!

5. That's exactly what you've never seen!

6. We hope this does not become a trend!

7. Praying mantis and wasps in front of your eyes? How could you think of such a thing?

8. We have already moved away from the screen, and you?

9. That's the flowery glade!

10. Is it scorpions?

11. But you will agree - it is impossible to tear yourself away from viewing!

12. Is the model at least fainted?

13. Weevil beetle? Yes this is a complete thrash!

14. Our eyes start to twitch ...

15. Listen, in horror films, make-up is not so terrible!

16. We look at this fly from the last strength!

17. But this is too much!

18. And the moth to make-up?

19. And what, it's charming!

20. We hope that this line brazhnik does not come to life!

21. It's impressive!

22. It's good that we do not know the name of this beetle ...

23. If that - it was once a butterfly "Madagascar's uranium" ...

24. What a nightmare - draw a Venus flytrap and attach dead flies!

25. Well, you can say authoritatively - now we saw everything!