Folk remedies for a hangover at home

As a result of alcohol abuse, the next day, a hangover occurs, in which a person suffers from pain, nausea, weakness, irritability and other symptoms. There are many folk remedies that help to reduce their manifestation.

Hangover remedies at home

In the arsenal of a person there is a huge number of folk ways that help yourself to cope with the unpleasant consequences of alcohol abuse. For those who want to know how to heal from a hangover, different means of traditional medicine are offered, starting with the known to many brine and ending with highly effective enemas. A wide assortment gives a chance for each person to choose for themselves an effective recipe. Among the simplest and most common folk remedies are the following options:

  1. Many will be surprised by the fact that you can use a little alcohol to relieve your own condition. It is better to choose non-alcoholic beer for this purpose.
  2. To remove toxins from the body, the sauna and bath can be used. This method can be used in the absence of problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  3. With unpleasant symptoms you can cope with a contrast shower . Hot water will promote perspiration, which will help remove harmful substances. Cold water will tonic.
  4. For people with good health, this option is suitable for fighting unpleasant symptoms - physical activity. They help quickly get rid of alcohol poisons and improve overall health.

Tomato juice from a hangover

Many people after a long fun were rescued by a tomato drink, and very few people know why it really helps. It replenishes the lost vitamin C, sodium, potassium and magnesium. Folk remedies for a hangover with tomatoes contain acids, which contribute to the breakdown of alcohol and remove slag. Helps juice reduce the risk of inflammation and improve bowel function. For those who want to know what to drink from a hangover, there are the following recipes:

  1. In America, the most popular anti-alcohol breakfast is the following drink: carefully beat the yolk and 1 tbsp. juice, salt and drink in one gulp.
  2. In 1 tbsp. juice add a pinch of red pepper, which will help accelerate the metabolism and toxin removal process.
  3. Overcome the hangover can be a folk remedy, prepared from yogurt and tomato juice. Ingredients should be mixed in equal proportions.

Cucumber brine from a hangover

A popular drink that is used the next morning after drinking alcohol is brine. To explain its miraculous properties, studies were conducted that showed that it replenishes the norm of magnesium, potassium and sodium. A drink from a hangover will help to cope with dehydration, which is the main cause of discomfort. Dill, included in this folk remedy, is a good helper from a headache.

There are several tips on how to remove hangover syndrome after drinking binge with the help of cucumber pickle. It is important to use marinade not from under canned vegetables, but from under sauerkraut. The recommended dose is not more than 1 item, because there are acids in the brine, which can negatively affect the stomach. A large amount of marinade can cause swelling.

Raw egg from a hangover

Among the effective folk remedies that help to drink and do not get drunk for a long time, a raw egg occupies a deserved place. This method can also be used to remove unpleasant hangover symptoms. This is due to the fact that the protein, when it comes into contact with alcohol, becomes a biomass that does not allow the alcohol to penetrate into the blood, because it is known that the process of intoxication can last a day, or even more.

If you are interested in what to do with a hangover, then use two raw eggs, which you need to drink on an empty stomach, after shaking them. If you want, you can put a pinch of salt. It is important to use only fresh eggs, so as not to poison and not exacerbate the condition. The result can be obtained after 30-40 minutes. after receiving the remedy. After that it is recommended to drink unsweetened strong coffee.

Green tea from a hangover

Favorite to many drink will help to cope with the morning discomfort after a storm of fun. This is due to the fact that due to the presence of B group vitamins, the headache can be reduced. Green tea helps to feel the surge of energy, improve the process of intoxication and purification of the body. He also replenishes the balance of potassium and quenches thirst. For those who are interested in how to remove hangover syndrome with tea, use these tips:

  1. It is best to take a second brew. Focus on the following proportions: 1 tbsp. boiling water takes a spoonful of dry tea leaves. Immediately after adding the liquid, it must be drained and a new portion poured. Insist 5-7 minutes. and you can drink.
  2. It is allowed to add to this folk remedy from a hangover a little honey, a slice of lemon or orange.
  3. Do not drink tea in large quantities and 2-3 cups will suffice.

Coffee from a hangover

Many people start their day with a fragrant drink, but whether it will be useful after drinking alcohol, it is worth investigating. The hangover is accompanied by painful sensations and fatigue, which is caused by increased pressure. The caffeine, which is part of the beverage, is known to increase pressure, which can aggravate the condition. For those who want to know how to remove hangover syndrome at home with coffee, it is important to consider that you can drink it only if the pressure is normal. Then it will help relieve pain and will have a diuretic effect. Do not drink more than two cups.

Kefir from a hangover

Remove unpleasant symptoms that occur the next morning after drinking alcohol, you can use sour-milk products. To understand if kefir helps with a hangover, you should find out about its properties. The drink promotes normalization of metabolic processes, replenishes the deficiency of useful minerals and tones up. In the composition of kefir there are lactic acids, which help to remove alcoholic poisons, and also it quenches thirst. To help people get rid of the hangover, it's important to take them according to the rules.

  1. It is better to drink on an empty stomach, and not to drink some food.
  2. It should be room temperature, not cold.
  3. The daily norm is not more than 600 ml.

Water with a lemon from a hangover

Another available folk remedy to reduce the manifestation of headache, weakness and other symptoms of withdrawal symptoms is lemon. It promotes the processing of alcohol, the cleavage of toxins and their removal from the body. Citrus normalizes the pressure and restores the urinary process. To quickly remove the hangover syndrome, it is better to eat a whole lemon, but this is not everyone's option, so there is an alternative option: squeeze out the juice from the citrus and mix it with carbonated mineral water to finally get 1 tbsp. You need to drink such a folk remedy at once.

Herbs from a hangover

In folk remedies, various plants use various means to relieve the discomfort caused by the use of alcohol, which help calm, envelop the walls of the stomach, soothe, tone and have other properties. There are herbs not only relieving the symptoms of a hangover, but also causing dislike for alcohol. They should be used for making infusions or broths, using 1-2 tsp raw materials for a glass of hot water.

  1. Ivan-tea from a hangover . The plant has a cleansing and detoxifying effect, helping to cope with unpleasant symptoms. With regular use of the drink you can reduce cravings for alcohol.
  2. Chamomile from a hangover . A plant familiar to many helps to cope with the pain, calm the irritated stomach, improve sleep and remove irritability.
  3. Milk thistle . This herb cleanses the liver and promotes the metabolism of alcohol. In the pharmacy you can buy thistle in capsules.

Bay leaf from a hangover

Folk remedies for a strong hangover include a variety of ways to help fight the discomfort that occurs after taking a lot of alcohol. For example, you can use a bay leaf, and it can be either fresh or dry. It helps fight stress, normalize the nervous system and cleanse the body. Decoction from the laurel provides analgesic, sedative, antibacterial, diuretic and antiviral action. There are several ways to get away from a hangover with the help of a laurel, but the most popular is the following recipe.



  1. Put laurel leaves in the water and put everything on the stove.
  2. After boiling, boil the broth for 10 minutes. on minimum fire.
  3. Drink a drink during the day in small sips. Daily rate is 1-2 tbsp.

An enema from a hangover

One of the most effective ways to get rid of abstinence - an enema that quickly removes the remnants of unutilized alcohol and food, exacerbating the condition. This method is recommended in severe cases and with an abundant feast. Doctors offer the following method how to remove a severe hangover syndrome: use a siphon enema 5-7 times in a row until the release of clean water. This will allow for deep cleaning.