Stitching pain in the region of the heart

The most frightening symptom is the pain in the left side of the chest. As a rule, with such symptoms there are thoughts of myocardial infarction. But not always stitching pains in the area of ​​the heart indicate an attack. There are several diseases that are not related to violations of the functions of the cardiovascular system, which provoke the emergence of an acute pain syndrome in the region of the chest.

Causes of severe stitching pain in the region of the heart

To begin with, it is worth considering cardiac pathologies capable of causing the described clinical manifestations. These include the following ailments:

1. Anthropic (ischemic):

2. Cardiological:

It is worth noting that these pathologies are usually not characterized by acute stitching pain in the heart. Feelings, more likely, compressing, pressing or burning.

They can irradiate into the arm, shoulder blade, forearm. In this case, the pain syndrome lasts about 10-15 minutes, in the form of an attack.

Intrinsic diseases that cause sharp stabbing pain in the region of the heart

This symptomatology is typical for such diseases:

  1. Neurosis (neurotic state). In addition, the patient suffers from a feeling of "coma" in the throat, nausea, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing. Neuroses arise against a background of strong stress, emotional experiences.
  2. Intercostal neuralgia. Pathology is often mistaken for a heart attack. Among its manifestations - a piercing stabbing pain in the heart with a deep breath or exhalation, which can last from several hours to a week, shortness of breath.
  3. Osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical spine. Due to the development of inflammatory processes, the nerve roots are infringed between the vertebrae. Because of this, there is a "shooting", acute pain in the chest, often giving up in the scapula from the side of defeat.
  4. Thoracic sciatica. In this case, the inflammation affects the roots of the intervertebral nerves themselves. With radiculopathy, patients complain of constant stitching pain, which increases after physical exertion, lifting heavy objects.
  5. Intervertebral hernia of the thoracic region. Due to the protrusion of some parts of the spine, wandering pains occur, which are often felt in the region of the chest.

To establish the true factor causing the described problem, it is possible on reception at the cardiologist and the neuropathologist.