Detralex - indications for use

The French drug Detralex is one of the newest scientific developments, the drug helps to relieve heaviness in the legs, normalize the venous circulation and even solve such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids. These indications for the use of Detralex are not limited.

Conditions for using Detralex

The use of Detralex is justified in most cases of circulatory disorders in the lower and upper extremities. The drug can be used to treat children and during pregnancy.

Detralex is a complex preparation with two basic active substances. Diosmin has an angioprotective effect, slowing down the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, which strengthens the entire cardiovascular system. Hesperidin refers to natural flavonoids, this substance has a capillary-stabilizing effect.

The use of Detralex does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and make decisions that require high accuracy calculations. The drug is actively used in the therapy of patients of any age.

Indications for the use of Detralex tablets

Indications for the use of the drug are the following factors:

Contraindications to the use of Detralex are characterized by individual allergic sensitivity to the components of the drug. The drug is sold in a pharmacy without a prescription.

The standard treatment regimen allows 2 Detrelex tablets taken per day: one morning and one evening. After the first 10 days of therapy, you can take both tablets at once once a day. Duration of Detralex usually takes 1-2 months, side effects in the form of increased fatigue, irritability and headaches are extremely rare. Cases of overdose are not known.

The use of Detralex in hemorrhoids is a very common practice. Due to the fact that the drug somewhat dilutes the blood, strengthens the walls of even the smallest blood vessels and restores blood circulation in the affected area, recovery occurs in 90% of cases. However, it is usually advisable for therapists to supplement the use of tablets with other treatments. Often it is an anesthetic anti-inflammatory ointment.

In acute hemorrhoids, up to 6 Detralex tablets per day are allowed. Therapy for chronic hemorrhoids is 4 tablets - 2 in the morning and in the evening.

Those who have started treatment with Detralex are advised to follow the following points:

  1. Avoid prolonged stay on legs.
  2. If necessary, wear compression pantyhose and underwear that regulates blood circulation.
  3. It is good to eat, pay attention to a sufficient amount of iron and selenium in the diet.
  4. If possible, take a sun bath for 15-20 minutes daily.
  5. Try to walk more, to be outdoors.
  6. Avoid lifting weights and loads.
  7. Abandon the use of alcohol and smoking.
  8. Carry out water procedures with cool water, refuse hot baths.

When combined with Detralex therapy and anti-inflammatory ointments, their effect is greatly enhanced, this should be taken into account when calculating the dosage. The tablets have no effect on the effect of other drugs.