Longitudinal twine - how to properly and quickly sit on the longitudinal splits?

We decided to master the longitudinal twine, then you should prepare for the hard work. There is a certain list of rules that will help to implement the plan for a short period of time. Stretching is beneficial for the human body.

Longitudinal and transverse twine

The carried out researches have shown, that to master a longitudinal twine is easier, than transverse. It is also interesting that in most cases it is more convenient to sit on one side than to another. Finding out which twine is lighter than the longitudinal or transverse, it is worth noting that it is more difficult for men to perform this exercise than for women, and all because of the fact that the hamstrings of their hips are more difficult to relax.

Use of twine

Regular training is useful for the body, so, stretching eliminates problems with the spine and promotes proper posture. Correct twine increases the flexibility of the body, and this reduces the risk of getting different injuries. Other advantages of such a stretch include: the fight against varicose veins, the prevention of problems with the genitourinary system, the normalization of the menstrual cycle and the simplification of the birth process, and all thanks to an increase in the tone of the pelvic muscles. In addition, the twine makes the legs slim and strong.

How many days can you sit on a string?

There is no exact answer to this question, since the result depends on many factors. The most important of them is the level of training, so if the stretching is regular and the person is physically well developed, then in 1-2 months. you can get close to the perfect twine. It is important to understand how to learn the longitudinal twine, and fulfill all the rules of effective training. Factors influencing the result: gender, age, level of physical fitness, regularity of training, coordination and duration of exercise.

Types of twine

Two main versions of twine: transverse and longitudinal, but there are also subspecies, which include:

  1. Classic . A simple twine that is made from the floor. During its execution, the angle between the hips of the legs is 180 °.
  2. Loose (negative) . Making the twine in the negative, the angle between the legs will be more than 180 °. For its implementation, you need to have one or two supports, for example, books, blocks or chairs, on which the feet are placed.
  3. Vertical . This longitudinal twine is performed standing on one leg, and the second limb rises and presses against the body.
  4. On his hands . In this case, the twine is done in a rack on the hands or on the elbows.
  5. In the air . To make such a twine a person must jump up and do this he can from a running start or from a place.
  6. On the floor . The person lies on his back and either spreads his legs apart to make a cross twine, or draws one leg to the body, and the other leaves in place.
  7. Semi-twine . This exercise is to improve the stretching , which prepares the muscles for a full longitudinal twine.

How to sit on the longitudinal splits?

Many people do not even suspect that the twine is being performed incorrectly and the most common mistake is the wrong position of the hip joint of the leg, which is retracted. As a result, this can lead to damage to the ligaments and the development of painful sensations. To exclude it, it is important to know how to sit on a twine correctly:

  1. The leg that is retracted should not be moved to the side, but the foot should not be turned outward, but inward.
  2. Watch for the knee to look strictly down, not to the side.
  3. The correct longitudinal twine eliminates the turn of the pelvis along with the leg, which is retracted. It must be in a natural straight position.

Warm-up for twine

To start stretching without holding a warm-up is a serious mistake. The thing is that the muscles and ligaments should be prepared for work, otherwise you can seriously injure yourself. Stretching on the longitudinal twine improves the plasticity of the muscles and blood circulation, and also supplies the muscle fibers of oxygen and reduces the amount of lactic acid. It also increases efficiency. For warm-up, it is best to use cardio exercises: running, jumping in place, squatting at a fast pace and swinging legs.

Exercises for longitudinal twine

Want to improve your stretching, then use the following exercises in training:

  1. Sit on the floor and spread your legs apart. Stretch the socks and perform inclinations to the legs and to the center. In each direction, you need to stay for half a minute at maximum stretching.
  2. For the next exercise to twine from scratch, do not get up, but just bring your legs in front of you. Socks and knees should be pointed upwards. Do the inclines forward to get to the feet. Hold for a minute at maximum stretching.
  3. Stand up straight, placing your feet a short distance apart. Perform a slope, trying to reach out to the knees. It is important that your feet are even. At the maximum tension, hold for a minute.
  4. Get on your knees and pull one leg forward. Stretch to the nose, without moving the legs. Do not forget to fix the position for a minute at maximum stretching. Try to spread your legs a little, hands on the floor. Perform on both sides.

How to sit on the longitudinal splits for a week?

I'll have to be disappointed, because in such a short time to sit on the twine will not work. Minimum have to spend a month, or even more. It is important to take into account that forced and sharp stretching can cause serious injuries, for example, muscle and ligament ruptures. If you want to speed up the process and make the workouts as effective as possible, you need to know how quickly to sit on the longitudinal splits:

  1. It is important to practice regularly and better allocate time for training daily, stretching in the morning and evening. Interestingly, in the second half of the day muscles and ligaments respond better to stretching, as they "trained" for the day.
  2. The load should be increased gradually so that the body gets used to it.
  3. In the room where the training will be held, it should be warm, because the cold air binds the muscles.
  4. Another useful secret - for 10 minutes. before training, if possible, warm up the muscles with a hot shower, which will increase their elasticity and facilitate the stretching process.
  5. Do not overdo it, so do the exercises until you have a tangible, but tolerable pain.
  6. It is recommended to train in comfortable clothes that do not squeeze the blood vessels.
  7. To finish stretching is a relaxing massage, which will soothe muscles and joints.