How to pump up the buttocks at home?

Many girls try to study at home, but, as a rule, do not get proper training. Interrupt the endless household chores, which can be distracted, the phone, the Internet, laziness - anything. However, there is a small percentage of people with a really strong will, who can easily afford home workouts. From this article you will find out if you can pump up the buttocks at home and what conditions are needed for this.

Is it possible to pump up the buttocks at home?

Ideally, in order to pump the buttocks, reduce the volume of the fat layer and increase their muscle mass, you need a full-fledged diet with enough protein and a minimum of useless carbohydrates, as well as exercises with weights. Of course, it's unlikely you have a Smith machine at home, but anyone can buy a set of dumbbells, and that's enough for a start.

So, what are the conditions for successful training:

  1. Before pumping up the buttocks at home, the girl should pay attention to her diet , eliminate all flour, sweet and fat from it, and switch to food like meat + vegetables + cereals, and include eggs and dairy products in the diet.
  2. Strictly allocate to itself time for employment. It should be about 30-60 minutes a day, three times a week. Training from case to case gives only disappointment, but a consistent approach creates miracles with the figure.
  3. For the period of training, turn off the phone, ask the house to not distract you, do not include anything other than music. And never combine training with other household chores (running in breaks stir the soup, you can not achieve the results, or even just bring the training to the end).
  4. Make a clear plan of exercises and never give up on the middle. Do not forget that in addition to classical exercises on the buttocks, you also need a warm-up at the beginning and stretching - at the end of the session.
  5. Start a workout diary - note the number of approaches, the date, exercises and well-being. When it turns out that the exercises performed easily, or increase the number of repetitions, or (which is better) - the weight of the weights that you use.

So, we looked at how to create the right conditions to pump the buttocks at home. These are not wishes, but mandatory recommendations that will help you really train, not waste your time.

How to pump up the buttocks at home?

If you have already created all the conditions for yourself, before you can pump up the buttocks at home, then you can start the actual exercises. Most of them have long been familiar to you, so you will not have to do anything unusual.

  1. Start with a warm-up: running in place for 8 minutes. The first 2 minutes run as usual, the second - with the overlap, the third - with a high hip lift, the fourth - putting your feet forward.
  2. Squats with dumbbells. Take dumbbells, put your feet on the width of your shoulders, straighten your back. Slowly sink down, not bringing forward knees, and, having reached the point in the knees 90 degrees, return to the starting position. Repeat 3 approaches for 15 times.
  3. Perform classic attacks, but with dumbbells in hand. A total of 3 sets of 15 times per foot.
  4. Squats "Sumo" ("Plie"). The legs are wider than the shoulders (the wider, the better). In the direct lowered arms in front of him - a heavy dumbbell. Go down slowly, keeping your back flat, and your buttocks pulling back. At the lowest point, perform a few vibrating movements up and down and return to the starting position. A total of 3 sets of 15 times per foot.

At the end, perform a simple stretching, reaching for each leg from the position "sitting on the floor, straight legs to the sides." Even these simple exercises will be enough to work the gluteal muscles.