How to pump up the press for a month?

To pump steel press for a month - it sounds like a fantasy. But if you make maximum efforts, pump up the press in 30 days is quite possible. And the result is a beautiful and flat stomach - you will certainly be pleased (provided there is not a lot of excess weight).

How to pump up a beautiful press girl?

If there is a dream to pump up the press for a month, you can study at home or in the gym. However, in any case, the result is proportional to the efforts that have been made. Therefore, regardless of the dislocation of training, to give out the need for the full program. The easiest way to pump up a press is to perform a set of exercises designed to tighten the abdominal muscles daily, and to follow the recommendations of trainers regarding special nutrition.

Warm up before the main exercises:

Effective complex for pumping press for 30 days - twists that are performed lying on the back, lifting your legs with bent knees (hips perpendicular to the body):

In addition to the exercises aimed at the press, within a month, it is necessary to increase the cardiovascular load, which will accelerate fat burning throughout the body. Take time to run, ride a bike, swim.

Useful tips for those who want to pump the press

Physical stress is only half of the success component in achieving the desired result. Proper nutrition is very important for a beautiful steel press. First of all, it is necessary to abandon the harmful products that increase the fat layer on the abdomen. These are sausages, smoked products, sugar, pastries, fried and fatty dishes.

The food should become a fraction, and portions small - eat 5-6 times a day, a single portion should be placed on a small plate (volume approximately 200 ml). Only this way to eat will maximize the metabolism and fat burning on the stomach. But to starve yourself with a hunger is contraindicated - the metabolism will be catastrophically slowed down, and the body will start making fat reserves even from the meager supplies of food!

The diet should consist of fresh and quality products - meat, poultry, fish, eggs, fermented milk products, vegetables, unsweetened fruits, cereals. Do not get carried away with low-calorie and fat-free products that are sold in stores. For low fat content, a lot of sugar and starch is hidden, and low caloric content is achieved by adding not the most useful chemical components that are harmful to the body.

If you want a sweet - eat useful self-prepared desserts from dried fruits , nuts, cottage cheese, vanilla and a small amount of sugar. No harm and quality chocolate, the main thing - in the first place in the list of ingredients should be cocoa - at least 70%.

Do not forget about the sufficient amount of liquid - 2-2.5 liters per day. Pure water, green or herbal tea, mineral water - this kind of drink will help to remove toxins and slags that are released when burning fat. And for good metabolism, water also plays the most important role.