Dried fruits for weight loss

Have you ever wondered why the ladies who are on a diet are often in a bad mood? It's not even that they have to deny themselves much, but the fact that most diets prohibit sweet. But it is this - the weakness of most girls, and the only thought of giving up delicacies can be painful. An easy and pleasant way out of the situation is to use dried fruits for weight loss.

How many calories are in dried fruits?

Dried fruits are rich in sugars, and they can not be called low-calorie food. Depending on their type, the calorific value per 100 grams ranges from 200 to 400 units. So, for example, in dried apples usually about 200 kcal, but in prunes, dried apricots and sweet dates about 300-400.

That's why you can not get too carried away with this kind of food, and the dried fruit diet is a substitute for one sweet meal for such a sweet snack. Dried fruits affect weight loss positively only if they replace calorie sweets. If you are to your usual diet, without removing anything from it, add more and dried fruits - you risk getting better.

What are the benefits of dried fruits?

As we have already found out, eating only dried fruits from morning till night does not follow. However, if you eat several dried fruits once a day as a second breakfast or a mid-morning snack and you drink them with a glass of clean water, you will not only get enough for a few hours, but also enrich your body with a set of useful substances, vitamins and minerals.

The main plus of substituting sweets for dried fruits is that they are natural carbohydrates and are correctly absorbed by the body. But the cake or chocolate is a simple carbohydrates and sugars, which are just waiting for the opportunity to settle in the form of fat at the waist and hips.

Now it is rather difficult to meet any other kind of sweets, except dried fruits, which would be a completely natural product without preservatives and colorants. That is why it is worthwhile to focus your attention on this gift of nature, which in a concentrated form contains a lot of useful substances.

Preparation of dried fruits

Most dried fruits are ready for consumption very simply: just pour them with hot water and leave for 5-10 minutes. After this, the product can be considered ready to be added to food.

What are dried fruits?

Let's consider all variants of dried fruits which are shown for a food at growing thin:

  1. Dried apricots (dried apricots) . An excellent product that should be present in the diet of any person who monitors his health, as dried apricots are rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium.
  2. Prunes (dried plums) . Due to its light laxative effect prunes effectively and gently helps to cleanse the intestines, thereby further helping to lose weight. In addition, it is an excellent remedy for depression. That is why the dishes from dried fruits are not only delicious, but also affect the mood.
  3. Raisins (dried grapes) . This dried fruit is often called multivitamin - so it is useful. It enriches the body not only with a mass of vitamins, but also with iodine, iron and other valuable microelements.
  4. Dates . This super-sweet fruit helps to reduce appetite due to its pronounced sweet taste. If you are ineffective, scattered or tired - eat a couple of fruits and you will feel a surge of energy.

We can not forget about dried apples and pears. These not too cloying dried fruits will help the body by increasing the productivity of the brain, thanks to the high content of boron. Rice with dried fruits of this type is a wonderful light dinner.