Running for weight loss - how to run properly for maximum effect?

Running is the most accessible direction in the sport, with which you can get rid of excess weight. To get the claimed benefit, you need to know some of the features of doing this exercise. There are several running techniques that you can use to lose weight .

Is running for weight loss effective?

To understand this issue, you need to consider the benefits that you can get if you regularly go for a run.

  1. Finding out if you can lose weight running, it is necessary to say that this type of aerobic exercise accelerates metabolism and contributes to the production of testosterone - a hormone that helps burn fat.
  2. Regular jogs effectively work out the muscles and the legs and buttocks get the most strain - the most common problem zones on the body of a woman. It is worth noting the fact that during the run the zone of the riding breeches participates in the work, which is weakly loaded in everyday life.
  3. Weight loss by running is possible due to the positive effect on the digestive system.
  4. During the workout, blood circulation and sweating increase, which is important for getting rid of cellulite and improving the skin condition.

How to properly run to lose weight?

To get the claimed benefit and throw off weight, you need to consider some simple rules:

  1. Training should begin with a warm-up, which is important for warming up muscles and ligaments, which will help minimize the risk of injury and improve the results from the basic training.
  2. Many people are interested in how much it takes to run to lose weight , so beginners should start from 15-20 minutes, and then, after a few lessons, it's time to increase so that progress can be observed. The optimal time is 1 hour.
  3. It is necessary to draw up a running schedule, since the results can be obtained only under systematic loads. It is recommended to study three times a week.
  4. If you are interested in how to run to lose weight, the interval load is the most effective variant of cardio for fat burning.

Interval run for weight loss

By the term "interval" it is meant to overcome the distance in a certain pattern: the segment runs slowly, then the stage with the maximum acceleration goes, and then everything repeats again. If you are interested in how much you need to run to lose weight, then everything depends on physical preparation. Beginners should be recommended starting from 20 min. It is worth noting that the duration of the stages of alternation does not have to be the same, and it can be selected independently. Intervals can be measured by time or distance. Stages can look like this:

  1. First need in 3-5 minutes. just go for a quick sports step to warm up your muscles and speed up your blood circulation .
  2. The next step is to run at an easy pace for 2-3 minutes.
  3. After this, you should go to fast running for weight loss, trying to bring the pace to its maximum. The duration of this stage is 1-2 min.
  4. The fourth stage implies a transition to a slow pace, which will restore breathing. Then you need to repeat the step with acceleration.

Running on the site of a slimming home

If there is no way to go for a run, then you can train at home. There are two variants of running in place:

  1. Without jumping . During running for weight loss, place your foot on the toe from the heel. You need to shuffle your legs as quickly as possible, trying to lift your knees up to a parallel with the floor.
  2. With the jump . In this case, the floor will touch only the arch of the foot. Immediately after touching, it is necessary to make jumps, changing the leg.

As for how much to run to lose weight, then the time stretches remain the same and beginners should start from 20 minutes. Examples of training:

  1. Alternate walking in place (5 min.) And jogging with a jump (2-3 min.). You need to make 3-5 circles.
  2. First, for warm-up, you need to walk in place with a high knee lift (3-4 minutes). Alternating running with jumps (2 min.) And the usual version (5 min.)

Running on a slimming treadmill

With the help of a simulator, you can replace street workouts, because it can change the load, speed and even the slope of the road. The optimal duration of training is 30 minutes, and run for more than 40 minutes. Not recommended. It is recommended to study three times a week. The right weight loss run can include:

  1. Sprint . In this case, it is necessary to train at the maximum of its potential.
  2. Under the slope . By changing the slope of the track, you can simulate running uphill, which is effective for losing weight.
  3. Alternating speed . Interval training can be done on the track, changing the speed from a minimum to a maximum.

Running on the steps for losing weight

Moving up and down the stairs, you can increase the work of muscles, accelerate the process of burning fat and increase the endurance of the body. To understand how to properly run for weight loss on the stairs, consider the following rules:

  1. You need to start with short runs of 20 minutes. Periodically increase the time, bringing it up to 60 minutes. Results from running can be obtained if the total duration of training per week is 2-3 hours.
  2. Beginners are best to choose such a scheme: climb the steps you need to run, and go down on foot, so that the muscles relax, and breathing was restored.
  3. For a change, you need to change the number of approaches, change the pace and using different training scenarios, for example, you can take dumbbells in your hands.

Running in the morning for losing weight

It is believed that the most effective for weight loss are morning exercises, when there is a lot of strength and energy. You can choose any of the options discussed above, that is, run the ladder or at intervals. Running program for weight loss can look like this:

  1. During the first two months, the run should last 15-25 minutes. After that, increase the time to 40 minutes.
  2. Every week, you need to do 2-3 workouts, but after a time when the body gets used you can practice more often.
  3. Morning run for weight loss implies overcoming the distance of 1.5 kg in the first two months, and then, it should be increased to 2 km.

Running in the evenings for weight loss

At once it is necessary to say that a hard working day reduces the activity of the body, and this negatively affects the training. There are several tips on how to run to lose weight:

  1. The length of the evening runs should be less in time, because the body can not stand it.
  2. It is not recommended to combine running for weight loss with other physical activities.
  3. It is forbidden to go to bed right after the workout, because for some time the accelerated heart rate will persist.
  4. Recommendations regarding the duration of training are identical to the rules discussed above.

Running for weight loss - tips

In order for training to be effective and safe, several tips should be followed:

  1. The correct technique of running is very important. It is important to always keep your back in a straight position, while the body should be slightly tilted forward. Arms bend at the elbows and hold them next to the body. Touch the ground need not the whole foot, and the heel, and then, make a smooth roll, and the step will begin with the sock.
  2. Running for weight loss implies compliance with the right breath, so inhale the necessary through your nose, and exhale through the mouth. It is important that the exhalation last longer than the inspiration.
  3. While running, it is recommended to listen to music, and experts advise selecting songs with the appropriate rhythm, so that it coincides with the pace of movement.
  4. Many are interested in when it is better to run for weight loss, and experts recommend focusing on their own biorhythms. Someone is full of strength in the morning, and someone is also cheerful in the evening.
  5. It is important to pay attention to the place for running, so the asphalt covering is considered dangerous, because you can injure the joints. It is best to practice on special treadmills, stadiums or in a park or in a forest.

Pulse at running for growing thin

To maintain health, it is important to monitor the pulse value. First you need to calculate the maximum allowable value, and it is 220 minus the age. From the value obtained, you can determine the intensity of the load.

  1. Low . The indicator is no more than 65% of the maximum. This value is typical for walking at an average pace. Beginners should begin with low intensity.
  2. Average . Jogging for weight loss increases the pulse to 65-70% of the maximum. This option is suitable for people who have been engaged for 3-4 weeks.
  3. High . In this case, the indicator grows to 70-85% and people who can easily carry long runs with medium intensity can use this option.

Power when running for weight loss

Since the goal - to get rid of excess weight, without adjusting the diet can not do. Running increases metabolism and appetite, so it is important to learn to restrain yourself. Diet when running for weight loss, involves the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to refuse from harmful food: fried, smoked, salted, fatty, sweet and other high-calorie foods.
  2. Many make a big mistake - they run around in the morning on an empty stomach as there will be catabolism of muscle tissue, so 1.5 hours before exercise you need to eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates .
  3. After training, you need to restore muscle tissue. Is recommended after 40-60 minutes.

Running clothes for slimming

It is important to choose the right clothes, so that during jogging, nothing would interfere, so choose pants and a T-shirt that will not restrain movements and strongly encircle the body. Free things to choose is not, because on this depends the effectiveness of running for weight loss. Many are advised to put on a lot of clothes, so that the body sweats, but this can provoke an overheating of the body and harm the health. Shoes should be comfortable, tight fit the foot, but do not squeeze it.