Stepper simulator - classes on stepper for weight loss

Today, the market offers a wide range of simulators that can be purchased for home training. Among them is a stepper, which refers to cardio players . Its action is based on an imitation of climbing the steps.

What is a stepper for?

Many people ask these questions, choosing a simulator for themselves. A balanced stepper and other variants of this simulator are used for weight loss and figure correction. With regular training you can work out the muscles, strengthen the cardiovascular and develop the respiratory system. One of the important advantages is the ease of operation and it is worth noting the small size of the structure.

What muscles train the stepper?

During training, the main load is in the calf muscles, but also the hips and buttocks are actively working. Finding out what the stepper gives, what muscles work, it is worth noting that the press receives the load, but only if the exercise is done correctly. If a simulator with levers is used, then the muscles of the hands, chest and back work. Another important point - how many calories the stepper burns, so everything depends on the initial weight, for example, if the scales show 70 kg, then for half an hour of training you can squander 175 calories.

How to choose a stepper?

The market presents several versions of this simulator, which differ in design. There are a number of recommendations on how to choose a stepper for the house:

  1. To begin with, you should determine where the simulator will stand, that is, how much space can be allocated for sports equipment.
  2. Take into account the principle of the simulator and it is best to choose an option with an independent course of the pedals, since the efficiency will be much higher, but this also affects the price.
  3. You need to pay attention to electronic devices. It is worth thinking about what parameters are necessary and which ones are superfluous. For example, a heart rate meter and a calorie consuming meter are useful.
  4. In the stepper simulator there can be different programs, a monitor, additional design elements, for example, a bottle stand, which will be a pleasant bonus, but at the same time they increase the price of the simulator.

Stepper player - pros and cons

To buy sports simulators, do not disappoint it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons. The construction of steppers is small, especially for mini-versions, so they can afford to people who live in small apartments. Training on the stepper does not require special physical preparations and is suitable for both beginners and professional athletes. Harm lessons can cause only if you do not take into account contraindications.

Stepper is good

The therapeutic and aesthetic results of the presented simulator are numerous and diverse. If you are interested in what a stepper is useful for, you should know about such advantages:

  1. Since the simulator refers to cardio, the fat burning is actively burned and weight is stabilized.
  2. Regular training leads to strengthening the muscles of the legs and buttocks, and this is the main problem areas on the body of a woman.
  3. Strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory system.
  4. During training, so that the body does not sink into the sides, great importance is good coordination, which during training develops.
  5. There is a stimulation of metabolic processes and strengthening of immunity.
  6. It is allowed to use a stepper simulator for people at the stage of rehabilitation after the end of the main therapy.

Stepper - harm

Before using any sports simulators, consultation with the doctor is necessary in order to exclude the presence of possible health problems. In order to avoid the negative effect of the stepper, it is important to take into account existing contraindications:

  1. The presence of diseases and injuries of limbs and spine, for example, sprains, dislocations and so on.
  2. You can not exercise if there are serious problems in the work of the heart, kidneys, liver and blood vessels.
  3. Use stepper training apparatus can not women in the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy.
  4. Refuse to practice with arterial hypertension 3 degrees and diabetes in the decompensation stage.
  5. Move the training should be in the presence of catarrhal, inflammatory and infectious diseases, which are accompanied by an increase in temperature.

How to practice on the stepper?

Although the construction of the simulator is simple, and training at first glance seem primitive, in fact there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account in order to obtain the benefit, which was mentioned earlier. If you are interested in how to properly deal with a stepper, it is worth taking into account such nuances:

  1. You can not exercise after eating, so keep in mind that it should take at least 1-1.5 hours.
  2. During classes, do not forget about breathing, which should be normal. If the breath-breath is lost, then it is worth slowing down the pace of training.
  3. Before using the foot stepper it is important to perform a warm-up to warm up the muscles and joints, which is important for the effectiveness of the training. In the end, it is recommended to make a hitch.
  4. It is important to choose the correct working speed and determine it simply. If during walking on the stepper the breath is knocked down only during a conversation, then the intensity of the load is chosen well.
  5. There are several nuances concerning the proper technique of walking. It is forbidden to lower your knees, as this can cause injury. The foot should stand completely on the platform, and the pressure should be carried out smoothly. If the heels are hanging, then the load on the hips will increase.
  6. During the exercise, it must be ensured that the back is straight and the head is elevated. It is not recommended to straighten your knees completely.

Exercises on the stepper

Many mistakenly believe that the presented simulator can perform at least some exercises, so there are several effective options:

  1. During walking, tilt the body slightly forward or slightly bend the knees, which increases the load on the muscles of the legs.
  2. Classes on the stepper can be diversified by different movements of the hands, for example, you can perform bending, breeding, rotation and so on. To increase the load, use a dumbbell.
  3. To better work the buttocks, it is necessary to perform squats while walking on the stepper. You need to do this at a time when the legs are about the same level.

Classes on the stepper for weight loss

The effectiveness of training depends on the regularity and intensity of training. Using a stepper for weight loss, consider the following tricks for increasing efficiency:

  1. Develop a schedule of training. To maintain the body in the form you need to practice three times a week for 30-60 minutes. If you want to lose weight, then you should train every day for 60-120 minutes. It is important to increase the load gradually.
  2. To increase and a variety of loads, it is recommended to change the height of the steps. It is useful to alternate walking with low and high slope.
  3. Experiment and with walking speed. The best option: 2 min. slow walking and the same time fast.