What to bring from Vladivostok?

Going to the edge of the earth, to the distant and mysterious Vladivostok, it will not be superfluous to take with you a large suitcase for various souvenirs. About what exactly you can bring from Vladivostok, we will tell in our article.

Gifts and souvenirs from Vladivostok

Until recently, just some 25 years ago, it was impossible to get to Vladivostok without special permission, and, of course, there could be no talk about souvenirs from there. But since 1992 the city has opened its gates for everyone who wants to visit it. But the souvenir industry here is still in a rather undeveloped state. Therefore, to buy something "sort of" will have to work hard.

In general, guests of the city take with them as an edible souvenir various seafood : caviar , crab and red fish. But the locals insistently recommend leaving a place in the luggage for what can not be bought in any other corner of the country. Namely - for medicinal tinctures on herbs and fruits harvested in the coastal taiga. A happy owner of such an elixir will not have to fear either colds or other ailments.

Colleagues and good acquaintances can be pleased with various souvenirs with views of the famous bridges of Vladivostok . Any souvenir shop will offer a wide range of gift mugs, T-shirts, photo frames and other small items, designed in a similar theme.

All lovers of sweet will like the products of the Primorye confectionery factory, for example, the famous "Bird's Milk" for the whole of Russia. Those who are eager for any exotic, certainly like unusual types of chocolate , for example, chocolate with seaweed filling.

The proximity of Vladivostok to Asian countries, of course, is reflected in the assortment of local shops. Therefore, you can also bring from Vladivostok the best samples of Japanese and Korean cosmetics and household chemicals , which is very pleased with the fair sex.