Kalateja Varcevic

Listing the large indoor flowers, it is impossible not to call the beauty kalateya (calathea). Its velvety leaves have a light strip along the central vein, and their reverse side is usually dark purple. But all the beauty of kalatei lies not only in large decorative plates, but also in its spectacular white or cream colors.

Flower of Kalateja Varshevich - care at home

This kind of kalatei is not very common in our country, because it is quite difficult to create ideal conditions for its cultivation in an ordinary city apartment.

First of all, it is necessary to provide the plant with a sufficient level of illumination. If it is small, the leaves will fade, and if direct rays of the sun hit, they may become deformed. Kalatea prefers bright, but diffuse light. It's better if it's western or eastern windows. In winter, it is desirable to lighten the kalathea, prolonging the length of the light day to 16 hours.

Consistency of the environment is an important factor for Varsevic's kalatei. When it is grown, temperature changes, both air and soil, are unacceptable. And if the first should be within 18-25 ° C, then the second - not less, but not more than 22-23 ° C. The plant does not accept drafts, open windows, differences between day and night temperatures. And, of course, you can not take kalatea on a balcony and even more so on the street.

Elevated requirements make kalatei and humidity of air - about 90%. This can be achieved by growing a flower in the florarium or using moss sphagnum or wet clay, laid in a pallet. Make the air more moist and set up next to a small home fountain.

Watering kalateju should be regular and the same throughout the year. Use for warm water warm water with a temperature of approximately 22 ° C.