Lobularia - growing from seeds

The garden plant lobularia is able to create a magnificent multi-colored carpet on the lawn, which will carry a bright honey aroma in the garden. The low-bush shrub has pinkish, blue or white racemose inflorescence blooming from May to October. That is why lobularia flowers are so loved by gardeners. We'll tell you how to grow a shrub from a seed.

Growing Lobularia seedlings from seeds

For seedling, small seeds of lobularia are sown in a box or greenhouse in March. Seeds can be soaked in a growth stimulant for better germination and drying. For planting, prepare a fertile, but loose soil (mix sod land with peat or sand). Seeds need not be covered with earth, but placed in small grooves. The box with the seeds is then covered with a film or glass and placed in a place with an air temperature of at least 12 degrees. Then every three days it is recommended to remove the film for ventilation and spray the soil. The first shoots can appear on the tenth-twelfth day. As the growth of seedlings should be thin, leaving between plants a distance of 12-15 cm, and dive into individual pots of 3 pieces. This is necessary in order to prevent the flowers from stretching.

Planting seedlings Lobularia can be produced as early as May, not earlier, only when frosts (including recurrent) have already passed. On the site under the planting, small holes are scooped out at a distance of 20 cm from each other. On a permanent well-lit place, seedlings are transplanted together with an earthen lump, which will help young seedlings to settle down. Then the flowers are watered, and the ground around the stem is trampled.

Cultivation of Lobularia from seeds in open ground

Immediately in the open ground lobularia is sown at the end of April or in May, depending on when in your region nocturnal frost ceases to appear. We recommend that you select a well-lit area, since a sufficient amount of light is a guarantee of stable flowering. The bush grows well on loose, calcareous and neutral soils, the main thing is that the land should not be waterlogged. The site for planting should be dug up, cleaned of weeds and rhizomes. Since the seeds are small in the Lobularia, they are simply mixed with sand and scattered over the surface of the earth. The first watering is best done by sprinkling water around the site. If there are still frosts, the area can be covered with a non-woven covering material (for example, lutrasil). After the shoots have risen, the lobularia needs to be weeded out at an interval of 15 cm. The flowering, which appears on the 45-50 day after planting, lasts until late autumn.