Unpretentious indoor flowers

For many of us, indoor flower cultivation seems to be an extremely difficult task, requiring a lot of time and money. No, they would not mind having a green pet, but all these transplants-watering-sprinkling-feeding cause a truly sacred horror. But in fact, everything is not as confusing as it may seem, the main thing is to choose the right plant for the beginning of the career of an amateur florist. About room colors, unpretentious in the care you can learn from our article.

10 of the most unpretentious indoor plants

On the honorary first place in the list of the most unpretentious houseplants there is a shade-loving sansevieria . In addition to a lot of folk nicknames (tawny tongue, pike tail), sansevieriya differs almost complete indifference to the surrounding conditions. This plant will grow equally well in a well-lit window sill and a half-dark corner, steadily enduring both the autumn-spring coolness and summer heat. Sansevieria does not need to be transplanted regularly, often sprinkled and fed regularly - in general, not a plant, but gold.

It will not be possible to ruin the wrong care and the fat girl , more known to everyone as a money tree. Water it as the earth dries up in the pot, and the fat girl will be pleased with the rapid growth and beautiful large leaves.

If the windows of your house go to the north, and the rooms are in semi-darkness, settle there aspidistra - a shade-loving and unpretentious houseplant. For his endurance aspidistra was nicknamed "cast-iron plant." In fact, it is difficult to find another representative of the kingdom of Flora, equally enduringly suffering the cold, heat, sun and shadow.

The multi-colored leaves of chlorophytum produce a deceptively delicate impression. But in fact the plant can be called one of the most unpretentious and undemanding. Of course, it will gratefully respond to regular watering and feeding, but without them will not be lost.

The most unpretentious of the flowering indoor plants can be called spathiphyllum . It is enough to put it on the sill protected from drafts and periodically watered, and it will please with year-round flowering.

Will take care of the minimum care and pelargoniya , delighting the owners with beautiful inflorescences with minimal care.

Beautiful zadekorirovat walls without having made any special effort, will help wax ivy or hoya karnoza . This ampel plant will feel equally well in both lighted and semi-dark rooms, without requiring special conditions.

Another option for decorating walls with a minimum of costs is Tradescantia . It will grow with equal success and with good lighting and in semi-darkness, requiring only watering 2 times a week.

Balsamin , known in the people as "Vanka wet" also differs sufficient stoicism, so as not to perish in the hands of an inexperienced florist. For normal health, he needs a medium-lighted window sill and periodic watering.

Lovers of a long time to leave the house will enjoy the bokarneya . It is enough to put her in a tight pot with loose earth and water twice a month to make her feel good.