Submandibular lymphadenitis

The most common type of lesion of the submaxillary lymph nodes is submandibular lymphadenitis. Lymph nodes are a barrier to infections that cause disease. Most often, the disease develops due to diseases of the teeth and gums, as well as due to chronic tonsillitis.

The causes of submandibular lymphadenitis

This ailment is not an independent pathology and develops only if there is an infection in the areas along the course of the lymph flow. The following inflammatory processes can lead to the disease:

Many worry that the occurrence of submandibular lymphadenitis can be indicated on the development of cancer. However, as statistics show, this ailment in 99% of cases is not connected with cancer tumors.

In some cases, inflammation can occur separately from other diseases. This is possible if the cause of the infection is the resulting injury.

Symptoms of submandibular lymphadenitis

The main sign of developing ailment is pain in the area of ​​lymph nodes. At first, the pain is felt only when palpation, but then it becomes pulsating and permanent. This causes discomfort to the patient, forcing him to take a compulsory position during sleep. In addition to the patient's pain, they are also concerned:

With chronic submandibular lymphadenitis, signs of intoxication are not so pronounced, therefore the general condition of the patient suffers little. When the disease is transferred to a chronic form, a radical method of treatment may be required, including the removal of the lymph node.

Traditional treatment of submandibular lymphadenitis

The fight against the disease is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused the infection. Treatment includes:

When the disease passes into the purulent stage, surgery is performed. In the presence of the affected node, a cut is made above it, the introduction of a drainage capsule and rinsing the wound.

Ensure the effectiveness of therapy against submandibular lymphadenitis can be, including treatment with antibiotics. Reception of these medicines should be carried out at the initial stages of the disease in order to slow its development. The most effective means are:

The course of treatment should last at least ten days, after which there is a decrease in the size of the lymph nodes.

Submandibular lymphadenitis - treatment with folk remedies

Speeding up the healing process can be done using ancient recipes.

Infusion of herbs:

  1. Two spoons of a mixture of herbs (wormwood, currant leaves, lavender, elderberry and marigold flowers) are poured into a container.
  2. Pour a liter of boiling water.
  3. Leave in a thermos for the night.
  4. After percolation take throughout the day.

To adhere to such treatment it is necessary for a month.

To combat the disease you can apply compresses:

  1. Compress from the impregnated cheesecloth celandine is applied overnight and tied with a neck scarf.
  2. Also for compresses you can use a tincture of walnut. To do this, the leaves of the plant (two spoons) are poured with vodka (100 g) and leave to be infused for three days.