How to treat periodontal disease?

Periodontitis is a fairly common disease of the oral cavity. Parodontosis affects children and adults and the onset of this disease can come unobserved. It develops and progresses over time, destroying the tissues of the gum and tooth, leading to a complete loss of the latter. However, this stage of the disease can be avoided by contacting a dentist on time.

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease has the following characteristic features:

With periodontal disease, there may also be a gradual widening of the spaces between the teeth. This process is explained by the slow destruction of the tissues of the gum and tooth, the loosening of the entire mechanism.

Parodontosis does not show any signs of inflammation, especially in the initial stages, which is why prevention of periodontitis is so important.

Prevention of periodontal disease

The procedure for maintaining the dental cavity in a healthy state is reduced to a few simple tips:

  1. Daily oral hygiene (at least twice a day).
  2. Cleansing gaps between teeth with dental floss after each meal.
  3. Proper nutrition: refusal of sweet, smoking, eating raw vegetables and fruits.
  4. Timely visit to the dentist (twice a year).

Parodontosis, as a rule, is inherited. If your family has seen signs of this disease, then treat attentively to the condition of the teeth. At the slightest disturbing signs you should consult a doctor. The cause of periodontitis can also be improper oral hygiene, smoking, endocrine and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.

How to cure periodontal disease?

Unfortunately, the remedy for periodontal disease, which would completely cure the disease, does not exist. This is due to the long course and gradual development of the disease. However, the earlier you turn to treatment, the easier it will be for you to stop and eliminate all visible symptoms of the ailment.

Methods of treatment of periodontal disease depend on the stage of the disease. In the presence of formations and deposits in the oral cavity, surgical intervention is initially necessary. A dental surgeon can also prescribe the removal of severely damaged teeth.

Consultation of the dentist-orthopedist is necessary. Special adaptations will allow to distribute the load correctly during chewing and to strengthen still healthy teeth.

Then, a complex anti-inflammatory therapy is usually performed. In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed, but are most popular here: antiseptic means, vitamins, as well as folk methods. Traditional medicine treats periodontal disease with infusions and decoctions of the bark of oak, calendula , sage leaf and eucalyptus.

After the removal of inflammatory processes, if such were, doctors go to the elimination of "pockets" formed in the gums. To do this, under special anesthesia, a special cleaning is carried out.

The last, "supporting" stage is the appointment of all kinds of massages, gymnastics for gums, and physiotherapy.

Thus, before you fight with periodontal disease, you need to identify the stage and neglect of the disease. If you do this at the initial stage, then, most likely, you can get by the doctor's instructions about proper oral hygiene and maintenance therapy.