How to remove nasolabial folds?

Many girls the appearance of nasolabial folds is considered the main sign of the approximation of old age. This opinion, though not unreasonably, is still partly erroneous. The fact is that nasolabial folds can appear even in young girls, who still live and live up to old age. And by the way, it is not necessary to put up with these wrinkles, because they can be got rid of.

How can I remove wrinkles like nasolabial folds?

The appearance of nasolabial folds can depend on many factors: a person's way of life, facial expressions, diet, ecology, individual characteristics of the body.

Regardless of how and why they appeared, you can remove nasolabial folds by starting to deal with this problem on time. Moreover, a timely complex of therapeutic and preventive measures can not only prevent the appearance of folds, but also remove wrinkles that have already appeared.

Methods that help get rid of deep nasolabial folds and the secrets of how to remove hateful wrinkles, there is a lot. Here are the most popular of them:

  1. Special gymnastics for the face. The complex of exercises will help to strengthen muscles of the upper part of the cheeks and slightly tighten the skin upwards, thus expanding the nasolabial folds.
  2. Effectively help and cosmetology injections based on botox and hyaluronic acid.
  3. Facial massage is a pleasant and helpful procedure, helping to tighten the skin, giving it freshness.
  4. And, of course, when talking about nasolabial folds and how to remove them, you can not fail to mention the mask.

Below we will consider the main features of some treatment methods.

Gymnastics for the face

Gymnastics for the face can be done not only with the appearance of nasolabial folds. As prevention, this procedure will also be very useful. A few simple exercises can be done at least every day.

Here are some simple tips on how best to remove nasolabial folds with the help of gymnastic exercises:

  1. One of the simplest exercises: you need to inflate your cheeks, then gradually release air through your mouth.
  2. Fingers need to be strongly pressed on the area of ​​nasolabial folds. But you need to press gently, without stretching the skin.
  3. The upper lip should be pulled down and held for ten minutes in this position. After the exercise should be suppressed on the folds so that the skin at this place is straightened.

How to remove nasolabial folds using the secrets of cosmetology?

Many cosmetic salons today offer a wide range of services to get rid of nasolabial folds, starting with normal peeling, ending with injections and even the intervention of plastic surgeons.

Those who already had to face the problem of wrinkles, argue that it is faster and more effective to remove nasolabial folds with hyaluronic acid . So-called fillers on the basis of this tool fill the folds, thereby straightening them. The effect of the procedure can last from six months to a year. Injections of hyaluronic acid are completely safe for health, and therefore, if desired, they can be repeated as needed.

If injections are not your method, you can turn to old good masks for help. Decoction based on mother-and-stepmother, marigold, St. John's wort and chamomile can be applied to gauze and attach to the area nasolabial folds for about ten minutes. Smooth the skin and help fruit masks imposed on the skin around the mouth for about twenty minutes.

To correctly choose a method that helps to remove nasolabial folds, and choose which drug is best to use, several factors should be considered, such as: