Why do eyelids swell over your eyes?

Bags over the eyes - the phenomenon is not so amazing. With him regularly meet and men and women - someone more often, someone less often. Attention is not given to this problem. Look bags over the eyes, of course, not very attractive, but in the morning they can be masked with make-up, and at the end of the day the swelling will disappear by itself. Of course, no one thinks about why the eyelids swirl over your eyes. And in vain - there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of bags over the eyes. And some of them may even pose a health hazard!

Why does the upper eyelids swell?

Eyeballs in the eye sockets are held by special fatty layers, which, in turn, are attached to a small connecting membrane. Numerous studies have helped to establish that bags over the eyes appear due to a sharp increase in the fat layer and the expansion of the membrane. The latter protrudes outward, creating a swelling.

There are two main types of edema of the upper eyelid:

  1. Inflammatory swelling is accompanied by redness and painful sensations. Small seals can form under the skin. There are inflammatory swelling due to vasodilation.
  2. Non-inflammatory edema is painless and almost no discomfort. Such swelling occurs most often in the morning. The main difference is puffiness appears simultaneously on both eyelids. With the normalization of blood flow, non-inflammatory swelling has the property of resolving.

The main causes of edema of the upper eyelid

The most common reasons for the appearance of bags over the eyes are as follows:

  1. Many people have swollen eyelids due to the growth of the fat layer in the orbit. This problem is transmitted at the genetic level and often manifests itself from a young age.
  2. If the edema is non-uniform, and in the center of it is visible a small point - most likely, the reason in an insect bite.
  3. In some women, the cause of the edema of the upper eyelid can be a hormonal failure . Sometimes swellings appear in a certain period of the menstrual cycle and after a few days disappear by themselves.
  4. Reactions to substandard cosmetics or allergies to some of its components are very often manifested by swellings of the eyelids. Often similarly, the skin around the eyes reacts to tattooing.
  5. There are bags over the eyes and those who overeat the salty food last night or drank too much liquid. People who constantly abuse salt, swelling does not go away almost never.
  6. It happens that the swelling on the upper eyelids occur after sunbathing or a session in the solarium.
  7. The upper eyelids can swell if the skin becomes less elastic and elastic. The reason for this phenomenon is age.
  8. Some representatives of the fair sex bags over the eyes occur against the background of fatigue.
  9. Bad habits, malnutrition, unhealthy lifestyles - all this can also cause trouble.

Why do eyelids swell over your eyes?

There are other reasons why the upper eyelids can swell - illness. Provoke the appearance of bags over the eyes are capable of such ailments:

Before you start treating the puffiness of the upper eyelids, you need to accurately determine the cause of the problem. In most cases, you can get rid of hated bags with special ointments or drops.

How to treat infectious inflammatory diseases of the eye?

In inflammatory diseases of the eyes of bacterial nature, doctors recommend starting treatment immediately with the appearance of the first symptoms. For example, Ofloxacin from a group of fluoroquinolones of the second generation, which is built into the cell walls of bacteria and blocks the work of enzymes responsible for the reproduction of DNA molecules, after which the bacteria lose the ability to multiply and perish, has proved to be a well-established antimicrobial agent. Ofloxacin is the active ingredient of the drug Floxal, which is available in the form of an ophthalmic ointment and drops and has a pronounced antibacterial effect. In barley, antibacterial ointment is applied to the inflamed area, a characteristic lump of the eyelid, at least 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, but not less than 5 days, even if the symptoms have disappeared earlier. With bacterial conjunctivitis (red eye with a purulent discharge), drops are instilled 2-4 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, for at least 5 consecutive days.