Demodex on the face - symptoms

Demodecosis is an inflammatory disease caused by acne (demodex mite) and is most often manifested on the eyelids and skin of the face, the scalp, in rare cases on the chest and other parts of the body.

What is Demodex?

Demodex is a microscopic tick (up to 0.2 mm), which lives in the ducts of the sebaceous glands, the glands of the cartilage of the eyelids and the hair follicles of both human and other mammals.

Demodex refers to opportunistic organisms. The bearers of demodex are up to 95% of people, but in most cases he does not show himself. Violation of the hormonal balance, inadequate hygiene and skin care, chronic inflammatory diseases, rashes on the face create a favorable environment for demodex damage, the development of an inflammatory reaction, and for an allergic reaction to the products of the mite. Such a disease is usually chronic with seasonal exacerbations.

Symptoms of Demodex on the face

When a subcutaneous mite demodex is affected, a marked inflammatory reaction is observed on the face. First of all eyelids suffer, as well as areas with a lot of sebaceous glands - nasolabial folds, chin, forehead and superciliary arches, often external auditory canals.

The signs of demodex on the face are:

From the side of the eyes there are:

According to its symptoms, demodex on the face can be similar to dermatitis and allergic reactions, but, unlike them, when defeat demodex first, there are reddening, densification, and even later - itching as a reaction of the body to intoxication.

The course of the disease and its treatment

In the absence of timely treatment of demodex, the skin on the face loses its elasticity, begins to peel, often swells and grows in size of the nose. Single at the beginning of the disease demodex of the eruption grow, acne can cover the entire skin on the face, thickening, similar to scars with clearly protruding, painful reddish-pink papules. After a severe defeat by demodex, scars and skin defects may subsequently appear on the face.