Peptides in bodybuilding

Today it is difficult to imagine an advanced athlete or athlete who would not have had any idea of ​​the various chemical additives. Sports nutrition greatly accelerates the achievement of the desired results, which ensures their undying popularity. In addition, if before they were mainly used by the stronger sex, today they are relevant for girls. The complex of sports nutrition often includes peptides for the collection of muscle mass.

Why are peptides for weight gain or drying for a girl?

As a rule, girls come to the gym to lose weight. However, there are those who have a very fragile structure by nature, which would not be prevented by a few beautiful elastic muscles. However, even for those who want to get rid of fat, peptides can be useful.

As you know, muscle tissue consumes several times more calories than vital fat. This causes the use of peptides for such purposes: after all, if you engage in sports and gain muscle mass, fat cells will be consumed more intensively. However, this method is suitable only for those who control their food, so be sure to consult your trainer or sports doctor.

In addition, there is a special class of peptides for drying, when taken, splitting of fat cells is a kind of side effect. This option is suitable for regular and quite intense sports.

Peptides in bodybuilding

Peptides are necessary for the body in order to synthesize protein, which, in turn, is the main building material for muscles. The second important function of peptides - they work as an information carrier, activating specific organs, coming to them along with blood. By the way, the molecules of peptides are incredibly small, in connection with which they are referred to nanotechnology.

Modern science has already reached certain heights: for example, in the laboratory, it is possible to synthesize peptides that have strictly prescribed properties. It is also surprising that, despite the artificial origin, they are completely identical to the natural ones, so they have no side effects and contraindications. Now actively using peptides in bodybuilding and because there are no side effects of such medication. The fact is that any cell of the body can take only the right amount of protein, and an overdose is impossible. This is one of the most important differences between peptides and hormones, which are usually associated with a lot of difficulties and potential problems.

Accept peptides , usually to stimulate growth. However, there are various types of functional peptides - and for increasing muscle mass, and for weight loss, and structural, improving metabolism.

Peptides in bodybuilding: harm

However, potential harms carry even such positive in many respects additives, like peptides. For example, there is a risk of protein poisoning, which will be a serious blow to the liver. However, this effect is observed only by inexperienced beginners, who immediately begin to drink shock doses of the drug.

In addition, do not forget that each organism reacts to artificial chemical compounds in different ways and if one athlete peptides for drying helped to lose 2 kg, then other things, all other things being equal, may be able to lose 5 kg. If a different effect was required, this could be considered a harm from the peptides.

How to take peptides in bodybuilding?

Take peptides course, depending on the ultimate goal. Here are some examples:

  1. The course for gaining weight and strength is GHRP6 + GHRP2. Use the drug 3 times a day, one hour before meals or after, 150-200 mcg for two months.
  2. The course for weight gain and endurance is TB-500. To apply in day 1 a bottle on 2 mkg during 3 months.

Before using peptides, be sure to consult your trainer.