Removable dentures - which are better?

A person who lives without a few teeth or has lost all his teeth, sooner or later, wonders which dentures are better to put? Of course, with this question it is better to turn to a professional. But before going to a consultation with an orthopedic dentist, you should familiarize yourself with the basic types of prosthetics so as not to get lost in the doctor's office.

Which dentures are better?

Whatever dentures are considered to be the best, always comes from the existing problem. If there is no tooth in the mouth at all or there are few of them, the most common option is removable dentures. They can be partial or complete. Most often these prostheses are made on an acrylic basis.

Acrylic plastic is quite well disguised as a natural mucous membrane, and such a prosthesis will not strike the eye of others. Acrylic dentures are inexpensive to manufacture and easy to install, easy to care for. But there is one minus, which often negates all their dignity. These are simple and complex allergic reactions to the composition of plastics, which make such prosthetics impossible in many people.

To decide which removable dentures are best, consider nylon or "soft" dentures. They are easy to use and quite aesthetic. In their composition there are no allergens and toxic substances. Their elasticity makes them more convenient to use, and fasteners provide reliable fixation, which does not require additional tools. They can last a sufficient number of years with proper care. But, despite all the positive qualities, there are some disadvantages in these prostheses:

The best removable dentures are the clasp. In the manufacture of such prostheses, a metal arc is used as a frame, on which artificial teeth and a plastic basis mimicking gum tissue are held. Such dentures are considered to be the best, because their service life reaches 5 years or more, and the atrophy of soft tissues is much slower. At the same time, due to a thin frame arc, wearing this prosthesis is much more comfortable than acrylic or nylon. In addition, due to the use of metal, clamps are stronger than other prostheses. The main disadvantage of this type of prosthetics is a high price.