Lipolitics for the face

Alas, the rapid rhythm of life, snacks in the cafe and lack of time for exercise often lead to obesity. Often in the fight against the deposition of fatty tissue in the cheek and chin area, even diets become ineffective. In this case, one can resort to the modern method of correction of contours - the use of lipolitics for the face.

Lipolitics - what is this?

Plastic surgery has enough effective methods to tighten the contour of the face. It is not necessary to resort to an operational solution to the problem. At the peak of popularity is a sparing way to eliminate the fat layer - mesotherapy with lipolitics.

These substances are absolutely natural. In fact, lipolitics is nothing more than lecithin, an extract of soybean enzyme. The organism positively refers to the administration of the drug, since it itself produces this substance. The production of lecithin is handled by the liver.

Today, lecithin is one of the main components of anti- obesity drugs. By the way, in this case, not only soybean enzymes are used. Recently, Bino lipolitics for the face have been distributed. For their creation, substances derived from stem cells of pine are used.

Mesotherapy face lipolitikami

Mesotherapy - procedure of injections in the problem zone. Most often lipolitics are used to correct the chin and cheeks. Lecithin in combination with deoxycholate successfully cleaves fat tissue. In this case, deoxycholate damages the membranes of fat cells, and lecithin "works" directly with its contents.

The whole procedure is divided into 3 stages:

  1. The first stage is to identify contraindications and risks. This is a kind of preparation with the selection of optimal lipolitics for the face.
  2. The second stage is the procedure itself, the introduction of lipolitics into the subcutaneous layer with the help of the thinnest needles.
  3. The third stage is aimed at reducing the irritation of the skin. The mesotherapy zone is treated with a special cream.

It would seem that nothing particularly complicated in the procedure there. However, it is worth remembering that mesotherapy is accompanied by painful sensations. Therefore, when treating the chin, local anesthesia is frequently performed with an anesthetic ointment or with a spray.

The whole procedure takes about 20 minutes. Immediately after the session, you need to drink 500 ml of water to provide the body with a sufficient volume of fluid to remove the split fats.

Side effects and contraindications

Perfection does not happen, mesotherapy is no exception. After the procedure, the following side effects are possible:

However, after a couple of days swelling of the tissues, redness and other symptoms disappear. If as a result of the procedure there are infiltrates, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Contraindications include:

If you are afraid of injections or you do not have any opportunity to perform a course of mesotherapy, you can correct the oval face and yourself. Cream lipolitics for the face has already been created. However, the effect of lipolitics for the face in this case is much lower than after 2-10 injections of the drug into the subcutaneous layer.