Treatment of obesity

Obesity really needs to be treated, and not only for aesthetic reasons. Overweight does not just spoil the reflection in the mirror, but causes irreparable harm to health in general.

Excess kilograms almost always lead to diabetes, cancer, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, arthrosis and other serious diseases.

How to determine the degree of obesity?

Be dissatisfied with your weight and suffer from obesity - sometimes very different things, because we are prejudiced towards our appearance. An objective estimate can be given by the body mass index derived by Adolf Ketele. It is necessary to divide the body weight (in kg) by the square of the growth indicator taken in meters. For example, for a patient whose height is 1.77 m and weight is 64 kg, the Ketele index will be obtained as follows: 64 / (1.77 × 1.77) = 20.42.

If the index is within 20 - 25, the body weight is absolutely normal. Indicator 25 - 30 speaks about excess weight; 30 - 35 corresponds to obesity of 1 degree, and 35 - 40 corresponds to obesity of 2 degrees. The most severe is the 4 degree of obesity - then the mass index is above 40.

Methods of struggle

Treatment of obesity requires an integrated approach, which includes:

The mechanism of weight loss is trite enough: you need to spend more calories than you get from food. And, of course, you can not do without willpower. If, contrary to the patient's efforts, diet therapy and sports do not work, prescribe medication for obesity.

The drugs used are aimed at reducing appetite and quantity of digested calories, as well as accelerating the metabolism.

Such medicines are only released on prescription and have a number of side effects. In addition, they act only during the period of admission, after the abolition the patient risks to gain weight again, if, of course, he returns to his former way of life.

Treatment of obesity with folk remedies

Do not confuse folk medicine with unexplored drugs for obesity, which are sold behind the scenes on the "black" market. Having resorted to such "treatment", you are seriously at risk with shaky health. But the medicinal herbs that are sold without a prescription will help cope with the insatiable hunger and speed up the metabolism. Treatment of obesity folk remedies must be used in conjunction with diet and exercise. Let's consider the simplest recipes.

  1. Dry flowers of black elderberry, small lime and chamomile leaves, peppermint leaves, fennel fruits are taken in equal (20g) proportions. For 0.5 liters of boiling water you need 20g of this collection. Heating on a water bath (15 min), cooled, filtered and diluted with water, the broth can be drunk three times a day.
  2. Wheat bran (200g) you need to fill with a liter of hot water. Boil 15 minutes and strain, the resulting broth should be drunk before meals three times a day (200 ml).
  3. Dry fruits of gooseberries ordinary (1 tablespoon) should be filled with hot water (1 glass), boil for 15 minutes. Adding to taste sugar, the broth can be drunk to eat a third cup four times a day. The drug perfectly normalizes the metabolism.

Surgical treatment of obesity

The above methods are effective only when obesity is 1 or 2 degrees, treatment of the most severe form is carried out in a more radical way. This is a surgical procedure. The operation consists in reducing the volume of the stomach - the patient can no longer eat more than normal, and the shortened path to the small intestine accelerates the absorption of substances.

It is worth noting that surgical treatment of obesity of the third degree has nothing to do with plastic surgery (liposuction), which only correct cosmetic defects.