How to smooth wrinkles on the forehead?

Medical plastic and salon procedures help to cope effectively with eruption wrinkles. But not everyone has the opportunity to undergo a rejuvenating course in the beauty salon or to make a plastic surgery. In this regard, many ladies are interested in the question of how to smooth wrinkles on the forehead at home.

How to smooth the mimic wrinkles on the forehead?

Creams for face

The process of changing the skin can be slowed down if one takes the habit of using the appropriate age and type of skin creams daily. In your arsenal should always be two types of creams:

The application of the cream must be combined with a facial massage. In this case, all massaging movements are done in the direction of the muscle lines, and are distinguished by the ease of touching.

Masks for face

Industry-produced masks are also among the popular anti-wrinkle cosmetic products. But effective masks can be done at home. If you find it difficult to choose an effective remedy, and look for which mask will help smooth out deep wrinkles on your forehead , we recommend using natural substances and products containing components useful for epidermal cells. Among them:

Effective means are natural oils:

Vegetable oil can be the basis of a rejuvenating mask or simply rubbed into the skin.

Complexes of special exercises

When deciding how to smooth a deep wrinkle on your forehead, be sure to pay attention to the complexes of special exercises recommended by cosmetologists. As a result of regular training of the frontal muscles, blood circulation improves, and the skin becomes taut and elastic.

Each of these exercises must be performed 10 times each day:

  1. This exercise will help smooth out wrinkles over the eyebrows. The index fingers should be placed directly above the brow ridges and pull the skin down, while trying to raise the eyebrows.
  2. To smooth the transverse wrinkles on the forehead, and also to prevent their aggravation, it is necessary to press the fingers of both hands to the forehead above the eyebrows, then the eyebrows must be raised so that part of the forehead located under the fingers remains immovable.
  3. Vertical folds on the forehead are smoothed in this way: middle fingers need to press the inner edges of the eyebrows, and just above the middle fingers put indexes. Then try to frown. Fingers should firmly hold the skin in a place where it is characteristic to form mimic wrinkles.