Internal pimples on the face

Internal pimples do not cause discomfort, but they significantly impair the appearance of the skin. If you dream of a perfectly even skin, then you will have to make a lot of efforts, and most importantly - to develop a habit that will help prevent internal acne.

What are the health problems of internal pimples?

  1. If the internal pimple appeared on the chin or on the neck, it means that the cause was a violation in the genitourinary system.
  2. If the internal pimple appeared on the cheek, it means that the problem may be the violation of the work of the bronchi or intestines.
  3. If the internal pimple was formed on the nose, it means that probably the food is dominated by fats and sugar, which means that these products should be limited for a while.

How to get rid of internal acne with the help of cosmetics?

Today, there are many cosmetics designed to fight acne.

For treatment, you can resort to a professional line Klerasil. It is necessary to find means for full-fledged care - cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. If acne arose due to insufficient skin cleansing, then this method will definitely help.

Also for the treatment of subcutaneous acne should be used scrubs - they clean the keratinized cells, the skin breathes, and is updated more quickly, and thus the blockage of the sebaceous glands will either stop or decrease significantly.

How to remove an internal pimple with the help of home remedies?

At home, you can also get rid of subcutaneous acne. To do this, several times a week to steam out the skin either during the bath, or with the help of steam trays.

This will open the pores and allow the applied masks to more effectively act and cleanse the skin.

If a steam bath is used, then it is better to carry it with a decoction of chamomile flowers - they remove inflammation, disinfect and favorably affect the skin.

After the skin has broken up, it is necessary to make a mask. The best mask for cleansing is based on green or blue clay , which should be purchased at the pharmacy. Do not skimp on the ingredients, and choose quality clay, as some manufacturers are irresponsible to work and sell clay not cleaned enough from sand, which can scratch the skin.

Apply clay diluted in water to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse. This procedure should be carried out at least 3 times a week.

If the skin is prone to dryness, add 1 tbsp. clay 15 drops of grape oil , which is rich in Group B vitamins. After that, moisten the skin with a cream.