How to feed a hedgehog at home?

In their natural habitat, hedgehogs mainly feed on insects. Often hedgehogs eat mice, can catch a frog or ruin a bird's nest. Yes, and at home keep a hedgehog is easy, because to feed and care for him is a pleasure.

How to feed the hedgehog at home?

In principle, hedgehogs are omnivorous and you can easily identify your favorite treat for your pet. How to feed a hedgehog at home? Offer him a scalded boiled piece of veal or beef, periodically offer fish. For hedgehogs, fish is a source of vitamins and trace elements. Before feeding the hedgehog at home with meat, it is better to cook the mince and mix it with buckwheat or rice. In the diet hedgehog can also be added and dairy products: milk, kefir, cottage cheese.

Food for the hedgehog must contain insects. These can be flour worms, crickets or cockroaches. You do not have to catch them, you can get all this splendor in a big pet store. Periodically, you need to add various fruits and vegetables to the ration of the animal. Try to offer the animal a carrot-dry mix: grate the carrots and add crushed biscuits and egg powder to it. The more often you feed the hedgehog at home with this mixture, the better. Add there powder from dried May beetles and you will get a food full of macronutrients and vitamins. If you could not find special insects for hedgehogs in the pet shop, you can offer food for insectivorous birds. Before offering this food to a hedgehog, mix it with a raw chicken or quail egg.

Very good hedgehogs eat freshly squeezed juices. Juice can be made from almost any fruit or vegetable.

Do the hedgehogs eat apples?

This myth, which to this day is very often found in various cartoons or advertisements, was invented a long time ago. In fact, hedgehogs, insectivorous animals and fruits can only be an addition to their basic diet. You can check if the hedgehogs eat apples on your pet, but most likely, go into a vegetarian animal will refuse. Hedgehog by nature hunter, not a collector and eating fruit can only as a supplement. According to the general opinion hedgehog stores food for the winter and carries everything on his back in needles. In fact, hedgehogs can not carry anything, since it is simply impossible to pin a needle. In addition, these animals fall into winter hibernation and they do not need to make reserves, they eat off before wintering.