Aquarium fish: care and maintenance

The content of the aquarium is an interesting and responsible occupation. Fish bring into the house aesthetic pleasure and pacification, doing their breeding, you can still earn. But first you need to create optimal living conditions in the home living area for the inhabitants.

Compatibility of aquarium fish

Proper care for aquarium fish should take into account the different requirements for content, depending on the type of fish, the description of their behavior and compatibility.

In the aquarium can not get along not only fish of one species, but also completely different individuals.

Compatibility of fish in the aquarium is an important condition on which its beauty and well-being will depend.

For compatibility, aquarium fish that are in a domestic water body should have similar requirements for maintenance and care. The first parameter of compatibility is whimsy . You should not sit down together fancy exotic fish with the most hardy and simple.

The second parameter is the temperature . Some species of fish are sensitive to temperature fluctuations, it is necessary to select fish in the aquarium with the same temperature requirements and provide them with optimal conditions with the help of a thermostat. It is not necessary to combine cold-loving individuals with heat-loving individuals. For example, gold decorative can be kept together with vealechvosts, orans and telescopes. These individuals love cool water at 21 degrees.

The third parameter is temperament . You can not keep aggressive and peaceful fish together. In this case predatory species pursue peaceful ones, and if there is a difference in size, they can eat more timid. Quite often even predatory fish of one kind can eat each other. For example, piranhas - they absolutely can not be combined with any of the species of fish. For two dozen piranhas, an aquarium of 700 liters is needed. Can eat even weak individuals from their pack.

Another important parameter is the collective fish species . Establishment of individual individuals may end badly. Alone these fish will feel uncomfortable and may die. For example, peaceful individuals - swordsmen, danios, copper tetra, black neon, philomena. They live collectively, so they need to start on a few individuals.

Care for aquarium fish

In the care of fish an important place is taken by proper feeding. It is desirable to feed from one to two times a day in the amount that fish will eat in 10-20 minutes. They must be fed at one time and in one place. Siphon is best to immediately remove remains of food and prevent contamination. Diet feed should be different - dry, vegetable, bloodworm or frozen.

Correct and high quality care for all types of aquarium fish is keeping their habitat clean and regular partial water replacement. Once a week, you need to change 20% of the total water volume. Before it, defend it for 2-3 days to get rid of all chlorine vapor. Complete replacement of water is very rare - this is undesirable for the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Soil is constantly cleaned with siphon from the remains of food and products of life, otherwise the aquarium may break the biological balance.

To ensure a comfortable existence for fish, it is necessary to have in the aquarium - a heater, aeration, lighting , soil, plants. It is important not to overpopulate the aquarium with fish. For every centimeter of adult fish, on average, one and a half liters of water, and for some species - even more.

Aquarium fish - a great opportunity to create a corner of wildlife at home. Considering all the recommendations for care, and correctly combining the inhabitants of the aquarium, its content will not cause much trouble.