What to feed the kitten, 3 months?

Each owner wants his home favorite to eat the right and balanced food, because it affects not only the vital activity of the baby, but also his health. Unfortunately, not all owners know about what it is possible to feed a kitten , who turned 3 months old, and what is strictly forbidden.

Someone thinks that at this age the animal should be given everything without restrictions. This belief can lead to horrific consequences. There is a high probability that the kitten will be threatened not only by a serious illness, but also by a fatal outcome. Some owners are confident that 3 months is a short enough period for a kitten to switch to adult food, and very severely restrict the animal in food. For example, continue to give a lot of milk and restrain it from eating meat. This too can have its negative consequences.

What to feed a three-month old kitten?

If the owner refuses to feed his wards with meat or very much limits its amount, giving the pet the opportunity to eat it only once a week, it can be catastrophically repulsed for the health of the baby. After all, this product contains taurine, which is necessary for a healthy heart and good vision. The meat also contains polyunsaturated fats and a special form of vitamin A.

This product should be the main one in the kitten's diet. But do not forget that this type of food should be lean (pork and veal are contraindicated as food for the kitten). You can give the beef heart beef, scalded with boiling water, as well as the heads of chickens without film, rabbit and chicken. Beware of pits of poultry meat, there is a possibility that the baby will be injured by them. Beef liver is given very rarely.

The kitten, who was 3 months old, can also be fed with fish, better ocean than river. The second is generally not recommended to use raw in the ration of the animal, because it contains a huge number of bones, as well as worms.

The kid will gladly eat homemade egg yolks, cottage cheese, kefir. Also remember that it is better not to give milk to adult cats and cats. After all, it will cause an upset stomach in the animal. Many owners are asking themselves, how can you feed 3-month-old kittens with milk? Only home steam is safe for kids. But first of all, it is necessary to follow the reaction of the pet's organism to this product.

Also you can cook some dishes, from which pets will be delighted. To do this, you need to cook 2 kg of meat with 3 tablespoons of rice, which should be strongly boiled in water. Remember that the food should be given a warm, but by no means hot. To taste will boiled squash and pumpkin, grated, with meat in a proportion of 1/10. Remember that the last product should always be the basis for feeding the animal. This is the main guarantee of his good health. It is very important not to mix different kinds of meat. If possible, start growing grass that serves cats to cleanse the stomach. Do not forget about the vitamins that need to be given during the development of the body.

How many times do I need to feed the kitten?

The 3-month-old kitten is not yet an adult animal, which can be nourished once a day. It is still a small creature that needs frequent food. Do not give the kitten huge portions. This can provoke overeating. In this case, the stomach will stretch and not become saturated. Therefore, if you are confident in the good appetite of your kitten, better give him smaller portions, but more often (for example, 5-6 times a day).

Everyone knows that the health of a pet is in the hands of the owner. Do not forget that at 3 months the kitten still develops teeth, hair, claws, muscles and the immune system. Therefore, you should carefully approach the issue of feeding your baby.