Cake meringue

Cake meringue is probably the easiest dessert in preparation and composition of ingredients, its recipe does not undergo any changes and additions throughout its existence. At the same time it remains very popular and loved by many since childhood. Today, we will tell you how to prepare a light meringue cake.

The main thing in the process of making a meringue meringue at home is to observe a few simple rules. First, the yolks of proteins should be separated with the utmost care, not allowing the yolk to enter the protein. Secondly, the eggs must be cooled. And one more thing, the dishes in which you will whip the proteins need to be washed and dried well. In this case, whipping, you get a strong, airy foam.

Cake meringue



First, we'll figure out how to make meringue . We beat the egg whites to a thick foam (you can use a mixer, but some housewives prefer to whisk the protein manually with the usual spiral whisk, it takes not much time for about 10 minutes). Then pour on 1 tablespoon sugar, whipping the foam every time until the sugar is completely dissolved, in the end you can add vanilla. We scoop up the protein cream with a spoon and turn it over, if the cream does not fall and does not spread, then everything is done correctly.

The pan is lubricated with butter and lined with baking paper and we spread the mass with a confectionery syringe or a sleeve, but it is possible and just a spoon with small lozenges. We put the oven on the minimum mode (up to 100 degrees), in the first 10 minutes of baking, the oven can be opened slightly. After about 20 minutes after the start of baking, cover the cheeks with parchment paper so that they remain white.

The cooking time varies from 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on the size of the meringue and the possibilities of the oven. When the cakes are ready, leave them for a while in the oven. Cakes can be eaten this way, but can be used as billets for a biscuit cake with meringue and custard .