A bite of a horsefly - how to treat swelling?

Blades are insects that look like large flies with a proboscis, inside which there are four pricking setae, and large shining eyes, shimmering with different colors. The females of most species of horseflies feed on the blood of mammals, birds, humans, while males drink nectar and juice of flowering plants. Inhabit the flies in the forests, steppes, deserts, closer to the shore of the reservoirs, where their larvae develop.

The danger of being bitten by the flies grows during the day, in warm sunlight, and before the rain in the area. These insects are more attracted to dark surfaces and a damp body (for example, if a person sweats heavily just bathed). Therefore, being in nature, for the prevention of it is recommended to wear light closed clothing, dry the skin, use repellents.

What threatens the bite of the horsefly?

Bites of the horsefly are quite painful, cause prolonged bleeding, redness, swelling and long-healing wounds due to the fact that when puncturing the skin, they secrete saliva containing toxins and anticoagulants. In addition, these insects are carriers of dangerous diseases, such as:

People who are prone to allergic reactions, as a result of the bite of the horsefly can develop a very strong puffiness. So, the affected limb can swell completely, and there is also very pronounced swelling in the bite of the thin skin of the face, neck. In rare cases, a severe allergic reaction of an immediate type is possible - anaphylactic shock . Given the severity of the consequences, one should be prepared and know in advance how to treat and remove the swelling after the bite of the horsefly.

First aid and treatment for edema from a sting bite

From the correctness of first aid with the bite of this blood-sucking insect, much depends, so it is important to begin to act even with the first symptoms of the lesion - redness, soreness and itching. After a sting bite it is required:

  1. Plentifully rinse the place of bite usual, and preferably soapy water.
  2. Treat wound with any antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, iodine, zelenka or other).
  3. Press down the bite to prevent the spread of saliva from the insect in the skin layers.
  4. Apply ice to the affected area or any cold object.
  5. Take an antihistamine drug (Loratadine, Eden, Suprastin, or others).

To eliminate edema ice (cold object) should be kept for at least half an hour. In the field, if you do not have a first aid kit or ice, you can use folk remedies to handle the bite, namely:

In the future, for the treatment of severe swelling from the bite of the hind fever, the following groups of medications can be used:

With proper treatment, puffiness from the bite of the hind fever passes after 1-2 days.

In what cases do I need an ambulance?

If the stalk from the bite drastically swells up the leg, neck, head, and the swelling continues to increase, medical help is required. Alarm signals after the bites of these insects, which are the reason for calling the ambulance team, are: