Soy meat - good and bad

Products from soybeans are considered a miracle food. They are rich in vitamin B6, which plays an important role in the construction of amino acids and in the formation of neurotransmitters. And soy meat is often recommended as an alternative to conventional meats - if it is necessary to limit fats in the diet. Diet on soy meat is a good solution for losing weight if you combine it with a sufficient number of vegetables, fruits and healthy drinks. But this is strictly contraindicated to people with sluggish metabolism. Using soy, they run the risk of gaining weight even faster.

Composition of soy meat

Soy meat contains as much protein as "normal". It is very popular among those who adhere to the vegetarian views on nutrition. At the same time, the soy analogue does not contain any fat, but it can contain additives and fillers rich in carbohydrates. That's why no one can accurately name the number of calories in a specific pack of soy meat. Except, perhaps, the manufacturer.

This product is made from soy flour and / or soybean oil. Various technologies of preparation assume also the use of cottonseed, wheat and oats seeds. Sometimes fillers from corn are added to give flavor.

Benefit and harm of soy meat

Moderate consumption of soy products has been shown to have the following positive effects:

There is an opinion that soy meat is associated with the prevention of prostate and breast cancer, but not all researchers share it, and no conclusive evidence of this effect has yet been presented.

But along with the positive effects, dieticians also discovered the negative consequences of its use. Simply put, the benefits of soy meat are not unconditional, the harmful "sides" of this product are also noteworthy.

Those who suffer from thyroid disease should be especially careful with soy meat. Soybeans contain a vegetable component with the collective name "goitrogen". It worsens the body's ability to absorb iodine. Therefore, people with thyroid disease should avoid soy products - or consume them very seldom, and then take care of replenishing iodine in their diet.

Women who have an increased amount of estrogen in the body, soy meat can be simply dangerous. It can provoke fibroids, endometriosis, severe menstrual periods and even contribute to the development of infertility.

However, men, whose organisms are sensitive to the fluctuations of testosterone, is also not recommended to abuse soy

products. They can develop disorders associated with the formation of semen, and there will be difficulties with the prostate.

If you are overweight, and one of its causes is a sluggish metabolism , soy consumption can disrupt the function of the thyroid gland, promote fluid retention, and the weight will only grow.

There is another factor that people tend to neglect. How rich is your diet? Is it rich in a variety of nutrients? In case of deficiency of vital elements, soy meat, like any other product made from soy, will only worsen the situation. The fact is that it contains phytic acid, which reduces the body's ability to absorb nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc.

So is it worth it to eat soy meat?

In summary, nutritionists give the following recommendations for this controversial product:

  1. Make sure that the soy meat you want to buy is produced in an organic way, without additives, which can aggravate the disease.
  2. Do not get carried away with soy substitutes - soy cheese, meat, yogurt and milk - because it's still not too healthy foods and not the best dietary idea.