10 Deadly Sins

For sure, everyone will agree that there is no such person on the Earth who never sinned in his life, did not succumb to temptation, did not eat the forbidden fruit. For many centuries, the whole Christian world is famous for such a notion as 10 deadly sins for which any sinner has to pay. In our article, we will get acquainted with them in detail.

10 Deadly Sins According to the Bible

In itself, sin implies action, or vice versa, inaction, which violates God's covenants, religious traditions, or moral and ethical norms of society. For Orthodox Christians, sin is not just a deviation from something, it is a confrontation with human nature inherent in man by God Himself. It is believed that alone can cope with the sinful attraction is impossible, so it is necessary to resort to the help of the church and the request of salvation from the Most High.

In Orthodoxy, 10 deadly sins are committed in:

10 deadly sins according to the Bible - this is not a complete list of sinful actions that a person can perform. But, in order to warn against them, there are 10 commandments in which it is described how a worthy Christian should behave in order not to become obsessed and to remain a true Orthodox person.

However, no matter how the Bible does not try to protect everyone from evil thoughts and destructive sinful deeds, in the modern world, with the development of the latest digital technologies, a person is often subject to temptation and violation of moral and ethical norms. In connection with this, the recently appeared list became very relevant 10 deadly sins of modern society, makes us think about what kind of world we live in and how we surround ourselves.

Proceeding from the list of 10 deadly sins in Orthodoxy, it is believed that a person can make a plan for himself, how to purify his soul and thoughts from evil and vice. For this, first of all, you need to monitor your own actions and thoughts . After all, anyone who wants to change his life and the world around him should, first of all, start with himself: to become kinder, to dispose of time correctly, to follow his thoughts and words, setting a fitting example for his descendants and those around him.