Bipolar disorder - what is it, its symptoms and symptoms

Mental affective characteristics of people have always attracted attention. Unlike others, they call themselves "bipolar bears." What is this bipolar disorder - emotional swing from euphoria to a sense of falling into the abyss of exhausting mind and soul of gray, viscous thoughts, a feeling of emptiness and hopelessness.

What is bipolar disorder?

All people periodically have mood swings , but they do not have such a degree of intensity and intensity of emotions, characteristic of those suffering from bipolar disorder. Affective states - frequent mood swings can drain the nervous system and bring a person to suicide. Bipolar disorder is a severe mental disorder, formerly called psychiatry manic-depressive psychosis. In the classical version, these are two alternating phases: manic and depressive, each can last even a few years.

Bipolar disorder - causes

In childhood it is difficult to diagnose, nevertheless, the disease is diagnosed in 2% of children and adolescents. The highest frequency of primary detection of the disease (50%) falls on the age of 21-45 years. Bipolar disorder of the psyche is an endogenous disease, the causes of which are not completely revealed and are covered in many factors:

Is bipolar disease inherited?

Statistics show that people with bipolar disorder, when studying a family history by a doctor, have close relatives in 50% of cases who have previously been diagnosed with a manic-depressive psychosis . In the study of twins, it was confirmed that if one has bipolar disorder, the second probable manifestation of the disease increases to 70%. Hereditary disorders of the "sleep - wakefulness" cycle, attention deficit disorder, other affective disorders and psyche features can also become a provoking factor in the development of endogenous depression in offspring.

Bipolar disorder - symptoms

The most common manifestations: suddenly alternating throughout the life phase of mania and depression. The duration of "light periods" between phases is individual, can last up to several years. Mania is a pronounced phase of a state of euphoria, an excited state and heightened optimism. It usually ends with the return of a person to a normal state with some inhibition. Periods of depression can last longer than mania and occur more often, leaking heavily. Symptoms of bipolar disorder in the manic phase:

Depressive phase symptoms:

Bipolar disorder types

Based on the prevailing symptoms in the picture of the disease, there are 2 main types. Bipolar personality disorder type I - is classic and implies at least one manic attack, alternating with depressive. More often it occurs in men. Bipolar affective disorder of type II is a depressive attack (single or more), followed by hypomania. According to statistics, women are more likely to be affected. Cyclotymia - hypomania and mild depression, proceeds more easily than types I and II.

The phases of bipolar disorder

The phase change in bipolar disorder is very variable, the disease is less often occurring according to the classical scheme. With manic-depressive syndrome, the episode begins with the phase of mania and has a duration of 2 weeks to 4 months. A depressive episode can last up to eight months. Remission between phases decreases with time. Psychiatrists describe other phases of the course of the disease:

Bipolar disorder - consequences

When the disease is weighed down, all spheres of human life undergo negative changes. Family breaks down, friendly ties. Life with bipolar disorder constantly makes adjustments to the plans and activities of the patient, his relatives, and close people. During the manic phase, a person is capable of rash, risky acts that he is not able to control. He begins to lose money, enter into promiscuous sexual relations, quit his job. In the depressive phase, working capacity decreases, high risk of true suicide.

How to live a person with bipolar disorder?

The very first step is taking yourself in this disease. Bipolar disorder is what it really is for a person, only he knows. Without adequate medical assistance is indispensable, but the desire to improve their lives and support their loved ones are important in smoothing symptoms and increasing "light" periods. The correct mode of "sleep - wakefulness", the rejection of addictions, healthy eating and enjoying your favorite sport in a sparing mode - help to keep the right mindset. Reading people's stories, communicating with those who took control of their illness - are motivated to succeed.

How to treat bipolar disorder?

The disease is amenable to medical correction, sometimes completely cured. What is bipolar disorder and how is it treated? The doctor the psychiatrist carefully collects the anamnesis of the patient, learns its family history, conducts tests. Confirmation of the diagnosis is accompanied by the selection of drugs depending on the phase and severity of its course, individual intolerance.

Bipolar mental disorder is treated with a wide range of medications. Antidepressants are used in the depressive phase. In the manic - neuroleptics, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants. In order to allow the inversion to develop (slipping the patient in the opposite state), mood stabilizers (normotimics), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are prescribed in any phase.

Bipolar disorder - who to work with?

Social fulfillment and success, allow people to feel important. Bipolar affective personality disorder involves some restrictions in the choice of employment. This does not mean that a person is not able to become a highly qualified specialist in any profession chosen by him. Contested tense work with frequent business trips, at night.

Bipolar disorder and creativity

Creative professions suggest non-standard and originality of thinking, a different view of the world. Research of mental diseases by scientists, confirmed the associative relationship between creativity and certain deviations in the psyche. Bipolar disorder among artists, actors, musicians, writers of the last century is diagnosed by their letters, autobiographies, memoirs of loved ones, described in books.

Celebrities with bipolar disorder

There is an opinion that the manic phase of bipolar disorder in a mild form (hypomania) is a stimulus for creativity. In the modern world, the disease is quite common among creative individuals. Bipolar disorder in well-known people:

  1. Bipolar disorder - Demi Lovato . The singer recently made a statement about the disease. Demi admitted that in a manic phase she could write a few songs a night.
  2. Demi Lovato

  3. Bipolar disorder is Catherine Zeta-Jones . The star made a confession about the disease, in order to help others feel free to contact the specialists for help.
  4. Catherine Zeta-Jones

  5. Bipolar disorder is Marilyn Monroe . Kinodiv of the last century suffered from sleep disorders, bouts of euphoria and anger. She took suicidal attempts.
  6. Marilyn Monroe

  7. Britney Spears - bipolar disorder . The singer is famous for her scandalous antics, aggravated by alcohol and drugs.
  8. Britney Spears

  9. Ruby Rose - bipolar disorder . Australian model of non-traditional orientation.
  10. Ruby Rose

  11. Bipolar disorder - Vivien Leigh . After a failed pregnancy, and a long-term treatment for tuberculosis, the actress became depressed, followed by maniacal breakdowns.
  12. Vivien Leigh

  13. Van Gogh - bipolar disorder . The use of alcohol provoked psychosis, as a result, the artist committed suicide.
  14. Vincent van Gogh