Stomatitis in infants

According to pediatricians, stomatitis in infants is quite common. This is explained by the fact that at this age the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is rather tender and still very thin.

Signs of stomatitis

Symptoms of stomatitis in babies can be quite diverse and the way they manifest depends on the form and severity of the disease.

The main signs of stomatitis in infants, which should primarily alert parents, are:


It is generally accepted to distinguish 3 types of stomatitis in infants: herpetic, aphthous and candidal.

  1. The most common form is candidal stomatitis . With such a disease, the causative agent is Candida fungi. The peculiarity is that they can stay in the oral cavity of the baby for a long time, without showing any signs. With a weakening of the body's defense, they become more active, and acute candidiasis develops. The disease is easy to differentiate. Its distinctive feature is the presence in the plaque cavity, which has the form of curdled milk. In this case, the baby becomes restless, often requires a breast. The color of the plaque can be different: from white to dirty gray. Over time, it turns into a film. Often, this disease is taken for the common lagging of the tongue. However, the last curdled formations are not observed.
  2. Herpetic stomatitis is typical for children 1,5-3 years. As you know, the herpes virus itself is quite common and can be transmitted by airborne droplets. In infants, this form of stomatitis affects the gum and the entire oral cavity. It appears in the form of small bubbles, which after bursting, form erosion. At the same time the general condition of the child worsens: the temperature rises, the baby is concerned, refuses to eat. In severe forms of this pathology affects not only the oral cavity, but also the skin of the face.
  3. Aphthous stomatitis is the least studied pathology affecting the oral cavity. There are no exact reasons to date. However, doctors agree that this form develops in allergic reactions, as well as in case of violations of the gastrointestinal tract. It occurs more often in children of school age. At the same time, there is no increase in body temperature, and the sores look very much like those that are observed in the herpetic form. As you grow, the vial is covered with a cloudy film, which, damaging, causes the attachment of a secondary infection.

Treatment of stomatitis

The process of treatment directly depends on what form of stomatitis is detected in the baby. All appointments are carried out exclusively by a doctor. It is inadmissible to handle the sores by people's means.

In this disease, parents must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Give the baby grated and liquid food. In such cases dairy porridge perfectly suits.
  2. To conduct hygiene of the oral cavity. In this case, it is necessary to carry out treatment of mouth cavity mortars with solutions of furacilin, manganese, and also broths from chamomile and sage.
  3. Since the disease is transmitted by contact, parents should warn him of the appearance of other children. It is not superfluous to handle toys that the kid often takes in his mouth.

Thus, observing the simple rules listed above and knowing how stomatitis looks like in infants, the mother herself can prevent infection of other children or family members.