Amulet catcher dreams

Long ago people believed that in a dream the soul leaves the body, and at this time the person is most vulnerable to the action of evil forces. That is why in ancient times various methods and objects were used for protection. The most popular is the dream guardian. It represents a ring, which is interwoven with threads, creating a web. To it can be added different beads, feathers and other different symbolic objects.

Meaning of the amulet catcher dreams

The main purpose of this amulet is to protect a person from bad dreams and spirits, which are simply entangled in the web. Since ancient times, negative forces have been represented in the form of a certain dark cloud, which does not dissipate, so it becomes entangled in threads. By the way, positive energy seems to be direct light rays. When the sun falls on the amulet in the morning, the entire negative collapses and disappears. There is also information according to which positive energy and good dreams remain on tied threads and feathers, sinking down to the person. It is customary to attach the amulet of the dream catcher at the head of the bed so that it can freely move and rotate in different directions. It is recommended to carry out a so-called cleaning of the amulet from the remnants of the negative on a regular basis. In winter it should be hung out on the street when it snows, and at other times of the year keep in the wind and in the sun.

Talisman dream catcher is best done by oneself to charge it with positive energy. Weaving beads, you need to wish for yourself happiness , luck, love, wealth, etc. Weaving the threads, it is recommended to speak conspiracy for a happy dream:

"Let my joy abide in my dreams, How the church is with the Lord. "

There is another conspiracy that will activate the action of the amulet:

"This guardian will save me from the forces of black, night spirits, lyarv ethereal. There is no place for you in this house, in my dreams. Go to another place, to another threshold. And do not listen, then I'll sweep you with a broom stink in a deep quagmire, I'll burn the holy holy virgin fire, I'll pour holy water into the pool. As the word is said, so it's done. Amen".

When the amulet is already old or it deteriorates, it can be replaced with a new one. For this purpose, the unsuitable catcher of dreams burn or bury, thanking him for his work.