Rites for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin on September 21

Since ancient times, at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, various rituals and rituals have been held, because they are believed to have great power on this day and can radically change their lives for the better.

Rite of pregnancy for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin on September 21

Since the Mother of God is the main mother on earth, it is up to her to seek help from women who can not become pregnant. It is believed that if a woman has conceived a child that day, then he will be healthy and happy. To conduct a ritual for the Nativity of the Virgin, you must independently flush the bath or wash your bath thoroughly. Another is to prepare a broom from wormwood, a small basin, a broth prepared from seven different field grasses, a ribbon of red color and the same candle. It is necessary to stand on the sunrise, dissolve the hair and go to the bath. The windows and mirrors must be covered, and the light must come from a prepared candle. In the basin pour the broth and dilute it with hot water to a comfortable temperature. Undress, wash yourself with water and put on a shirt. Looking at how the candle burns, you need to think about your desire to conceive a child. After that, stand with one leg in the basin with broth, in the other - on the broom, and in hands hold the red ribbon. To complete the rite , say these words:

"I will cross myself, go out blessing from my native home and go to the wide fields, far away, to the cross road, to the high hill. On the hill there are herb fragrant, herbs are healing. I worship the grasses and the river to them: herbs healing, herbs Mother Earth born, sunny red caressed, strong light and healing absorbed! I'm empty like a clay jug, a jug whole, but inside it's dark. Fill me, healing herbs, force to give birth, how you Mother Earth gave birth and yes, she raised. As you grow from the Mother Earth and blossom, so my child is born, grow stronger and blossom under the Red Sun. My word is strong, my business is sticky! As she said, so it will be! "

In the middle of the tape tie a knot, saying:

"I knit the knot, bring the child's soul!" Nodules do not untie, lie whole, and the child in me grow, grow stronger and do not run away. Verily! "

Tape with a mascot as a talisman before a successful conception.

The ceremony for the Nativity of the Virgin on September 21 for marriage

Many girls dream to meet their soul mate and get married, and in order to bring this time closer, it is possible to hold a ritual on this great holiday. For its conduct, seven small branches of mountain ash without leaves should be broken. Twist the rods into a ring by fastening the edges with a red thread. Place the circle in the center of a large and flat plate, on which there should be no drawing. Set fire to the branches and say these words:

"The spark to the fire, the damsel to the fast crown."

Put the remaining ash on a piece of white natural cloth, and then shake it on the street. It is believed that if the girl will perform this ritual correctly, but she will marry next year at Pokrov.