Can pancakes be breastfed?

A true Russian delicacy - pancakes - is loved by both adults and children. No exception are the young mothers who are breastfeeding their newborn baby. Meanwhile, during the lactation period, the choice of foods used for food and the preparation of a daily diet should be treated with extreme caution.

In this article, we will try to figure out whether it is possible to eat pancakes while breastfeeding, or from this dish it is better to refuse until the end of the feeding period.

Can I breast-feed pancakes?

Thinking about whether pancakes can be fed to a nursing mother, one should first of all understand that this delicacy is one of the varieties of baked goods, which in principle are contraindicated for women during breastfeeding, especially in the first 2-3 months after the appearance of the baby in the world .

The composition of pancakes includes eggs and flour - components that can cause a newborn severe allergic reactions. In addition, the danger can be carried in and the filling, for example, cottage cheese, caviar and so on. Especially cautious should be treated pancakes, cooked on yeast dough. In the vast majority of cases, a mixture of yeast and eggs causes strong babies in the newborn babies and cramping pains in the abdomen, as a result of which the crumb will cry and be capricious for a long time.

That is why you should eat this dish strictly in limited quantities and not allow yourself to include it too often in your diet. At the same time, this does not mean at all that the nursing mother should completely abandon the pancakes, including during the celebration of Maslenitsa.

If Mom will eat no more than one pancake, not cooked on a yeast test, she should watch the reaction of the baby. If no rashes appear on his skin, then with caution, you can continue to eat more. Otherwise, before consuming pancakes you need to express milk for crumbs and not to allow its contact with allergic components.