How to make garlic toast?

Garlic croutons are an excellent snack for beer or a spicy addition to the first dishes. With them, any soup is transformed and it seems more appetizing and tastier.

Garlic toast to beer in the oven - recipe



First of all, we prepare the main component of this snack for beer. Namely, we clean garlic from the husks, crush the teeth with the help of a press, or break them with a kitchen hammer, covering it with a food film. The resulting garlic mass is applied to the salted pre-slices of bread, evenly distributing it, and we add the pieces to each other. Give the bread to soak garlic flavor for fifteen minutes. In the process of soaking, we swap the first and last slice for a uniform garlic taste.

After the time has passed, we remove the pieces of garlic from the slices of bread, they have already fulfilled their mission and lay out the bread on a baking sheet. You can pre-cut the pieces into smaller pieces or leave them entirely.

Now place the baking sheet with bread in a preheated oven to 200 degrees for about ten minutes or until the desired degree of frying. From the time of the toast in the oven, their softness also depends. If you want to get a more dried version, then we can keep the toast at a lower temperature level (about 160 degrees) until it dries.

How to cook garlic toasts from black bread?



First we will prepare a kind of garlic sauce for toasts. We will clean and pass through the press garlic and mix it with salt and melrenko chopped fresh herbs. Then cut the black bread into slices of the desired shape and size and fry them on both sides in vegetable oil in a frying pan. Then put them on a dish and still hot grease with cooked garlic sauce. Give the toast a little to cool and soak and we can serve.

Garlic toasts from white bread and cheese - recipe



Purified and squeezed garlic is mixed with melenko chopped greens, salt, grated over a fine grater with cheese and a small amount of vegetable oil. The resulting garlic sauce for toast is spread on slices of white bread and put them on a baking tray, which in turn is placed on an average level in a heated to 175 degree oven and bake for fifteen minutes.