Chronic cystitis in women - symptoms and treatment

Chronic cystitis develops, as a rule, against the already existing diseases of the genitourinary system, or with serious concomitant pathology, which contributes to the infection of the bladder and the development of the inflammatory process in it.

Because of what develops chronic cystitis?

Before you find out what are the main symptoms of chronic cystitis in women, it is necessary to say about the causes of the development of pathology. Thus, a prolonged disturbance of urinary outflow caused by rare urination and incomplete emptying of the bladder, as well as a decrease in the protective properties of the mucosa in the presence of foci of chronic infection ( pyelonephritis , vulvovaginitis, prostatitis, urethritis) create favorable conditions for the development of chronic cystitis.

To provoke inflammation in the bladder can also exist in it tumor formation, polyposis growths, stones. In view of the anatomical features of the genitourinary system, in particular the urethra, a high prevalence of cystitis has been found in women, since this structure only contributes to the microflora from the vagina and anus to the bladder (for example, after sexual intercourse or in violation of hygiene rules).

The risk factors for the development of chronic cystitis include diabetes, hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause), hypothermia, non-compliance with personal hygiene, active sex life and even stress.

What are the signs of chronic cystitis in women?

In order to timely start treatment of chronic cystitis in women, you need to know its main symptoms and manifestations. Early diagnosis of this disease is complicated by the fact that it can be asymptomatic, with a period of exacerbation.

Thus, in chronic cystitis with a stably latent (latent) course of the complaint, women are absent, and inflammatory changes, mostly in the bladder, are detected only when carrying out endoscopy.

The stage of exacerbation of chronic cystitis can develop according to the type of acute or subacute inflammation. At the same time there are frequent urination accompanied by sharp pain, painful sensations in the lower abdomen. The presence of blood impurities in the urine indicates a lesion of the mucosa of the bladder itself.

With a severe (interstitial) form of chronic cystitis, there are constant, frequent urge to urinate, pain in the pelvis and lower abdomen, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

Minor pain at the onset of the disease, eventually becomes a leading symptom.

How to cure chronic cystitis?

In each case, the treatment of chronic cystitis should be selected taking into account the symptoms and clinical picture of the disease. The therapeutic process itself for this disease includes:

The first involves the use in the treatment of chronic cystitis in women drugs (medical drugs). The main role in this is given to antibiotics, the selection of which is carried out on the basis of the bacteriological study performed with the establishment of the pathogen. Most preferred are: Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Pefloxacin and Levofloxacin because of the absence of undesirable side reactions.

Pathogenetic therapy of this disease consists in normalization of immune and hormonal disorders, improvement of blood supply of the bladder, correction of hygienic skills and sexual contacts, local treatment.

Treatment of chronic cystitis with folk remedies also takes place, but they will not be able to cure the disease forever, no matter how hard a woman tries.

Quite often women ask a question about whether it is possible to cure chronic cystitis at all. The answer to it is positive, but only if all medical prescriptions and recommendations are observed.