Treponema pallidum - what is it?

Among the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases there are also deadly. For example, about treponema pallidum you need to know that this is a very dangerous bacterium. It is very mobile, penetrates into the human body quickly, and multiplies with the same speed in it, affecting the internal organs. Medicine has been studying it for a long time. It is known that pale treponema is the causative agent of syphilis .

Antibodies to treponeme

Treponema concentrates on the mucous membranes. Easily transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also in everyday life, through dishes, towels. Even more frightening is that the organism does not develop immunity to these bacteria, and even after complete cure there is a risk of re-infection.

Most people infected with syphilis have antibodies to treponema pallidum in the blood. In primary and secondary syphilis - in 88% and 76% of cases. The remaining patients can not be detected, or they may be completely absent. For example, antibodies of class lgM are not present in the body of patients treated in the past. But do not be mistaken, the absence of antibodies in the blood is not evidence of adequate treatment. After all, in the latent stage of syphilis, antibodies to treponema also can be detected only in 20% of cases.

Symptoms of Treating Treponemy Pallidum

The fact that the body is pale treponema, the symptoms indicate themselves. Depending on the stage of the disease, these are the following symptoms.

I stage:

II stage:

In the first and second stages, when antibodies to treponema pallidum are easily recognized in the blood, complex treatment, including antibiotics, immunostimulants, physiotherapy and restorative drugs, has a positive effect. If you do not consult a doctor, then in a few years the third stage of the disease comes.

III stage is the defeat of the nervous system, spinal cord and brain, bones, internal organs.