Candles of colpitis

It is widely known that colpitis is one of the diseases that require immediate treatment. Of course, therapy in each case is chosen individually, depending on the etiology of inflammation. However, local treatment with candles from colpitis is prescribed for almost everyone.

What candles to treat colpitis?

As a rule, colpitis treatment is aimed at eliminating the causative agent of the inflammatory process, be it sexually transmitted infection, fungus, staphylococcus and so on. Since there are many reasons for the appearance of colpita, respectively, and the choice of candles from it is not less.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a huge range of vaginal suppositories for the treatment of colpitis. They differ in price policy, composition, country - producer and so on. Therefore, it is often a woman's choice to decide which candles to prefer during colpitis. In this issue, in the first place, you need to focus on the causative agent of the disease, but here you can not do without consulting a specialist and putting the necessary tests.

Consider a little more detail of the name of the candles from colpitis, and in which cases they are applied.

From nonspecific colpitis and so-called thrush most often use candles with such names:

Candles from Trichomonas colpitis:

This is not a complete list of vaginal suppositories from colpitis. All of them have their own characteristics and are selected individually. Since often one of the main contraindications is the period of pregnancy and lactation, being in a position, you should pay special attention to the use of local therapy.

In general, summing up, we can say that treatment of colpitis in women with candles is quite effective. It helps not only to get rid of the pathogen of inflammation, but also relieves colpitis symptoms (burning sensation and itching, unpleasant discharge). But only if the correct selection.