Vaginal tablets from thrush

Today, the pharmaceutical industry can offer medicines for thrush in two forms. This - vaginal tablets from thrush, used to perform systemic treatment, and vaginal preparations from the thrush in order to conduct a course of local treatment.

Vaginal funds from thrush

Vaginal products from thrush consist of chemical compounds that have specific activity. The substance contained in the preparations can be different in the spectrum of activity of the chemicals that are present.

According to the form of release, such funds can be in the form of candles, tablets and capsules.

  1. Vaginal capsules from thrush can refer to drugs of various groups: polyenam, azole or triazolam. Their difference from other forms of local antifungal drugs is that the active substance is encapsulated in a soft shell, which is more convenient and hygienic in use. The drug of choice for the treatment of candidiasis is Polyninax .
  2. In candles, the immediately acting substance is formed into a suppository, which is inserted into the vagina by hand. The most popular candles from thrush are Pimafucin , Livarol, Hexicon.
  3. In tablets from the thrush, the active substance is compressed into a dry tablet form, so before administration, they must be moistened with water. The tablets produce such modern and effective antifungal as Terzhinan, Clotrimazole.

It is known that vaginal tablets from Clothrimazole yeast have minimal systemic absorption, which allows eliminating side effects. One should not overlook the important point that self-medication can exclude the possibility of reducing the susceptibility of yeast fungi to medicinal products of this spectrum of exposure. Remember that the effectiveness and correctness of the use of vaginal tablets will directly affect the effectiveness of treatment.

What should I consider when using vaginal tablets from thrush?

  1. Before you enter the tablet into the vagina, it should be moistened with water.
  2. Then lie on your back and insert the tablet into the vagina with the maximum depth.
  3. It is best to administer the drug before bedtime.
  4. It is contraindicated to carry out joint treatment with other intravaginal drugs.
  5. Do not forget about the need to take a shower before and after inserting the vaginal pill into the inside of the thrush.

What vaginal tablets from thrush are best to choose for treatment?

We strongly recommend that you instruct a doctor who has considerable work experience to choose the antifungal drug that is suitable for you. Dose, duration of the course and the way of treatment the doctor should determine individually. Incorrectly selected medication causes addiction in Candida mushrooms, and they cease to respond to this therapy.