What is the GHA in gynecology?

When a woman is prescribed hysterosalpingography, then, of course, she is interested in the question, what is the GHA in gynecology and what is it for? This concept means the examination of the condition of the uterus and tubes using X-ray images. This is done in order to establish possible causes of infertility , with the probability of submucosal fibroids, malformation of the internal genital organs, swelling of the fallopian tubes or the process of formation of adhesions.

How do the GHA do?

The GHA procedure is the filling of the fallopian tubes and the uterus itself through the neck canal with a special solution. It is carried out on an outpatient basis, using an intrauterine balloon catheter. If there is obstruction of the fallopian tubes or other pathology, this can be clearly seen on X-rays or ultrasound equipment.

Preparing for the GHA

If you are assigned to carry out hysterosalpingography, then during the next menstrual cycle, you should avoid pregnancy. Before carrying out the GHA procedure, it is necessary to pass blood and smear tests. In the morning before the GHA it is better not to drink or eat. Also, before the GHA, a cleansing enema is made.

Many patients before the procedure are interested in the question - is it painful to do GHA? This procedure is considered to be painless, but with increased sensitivity to pain, it is necessary to consult with your doctor about the anesthesia. Local anesthesia is possible.

Consequences of the GHA

In cases where after the GHA is krovit, do not panic, as this is a common phenomenon. Should be pricked up if the bleeding is severe or lasts more than a week and is accompanied by prolonged pain in the abdomen. During the carrying out, a short-term rise in body temperature is possible, but after GAS the temperature should be normalized.

Complications after GHA

In rare cases, during the GHA, an allergic reaction to the contrast agent may develop. Such a reaction is possible in women who have severe bronchial asthma or allergy to certain chemicals. It is also possible perforation of the uterus and bleeding. As a result, infection and inflammation can develop.

When can I get pregnant after the GHA?

Those women who are planning a pregnancy in the near future after the GHA, it is recommended to perform the procedure with ultrasound. In case the consequences are minimal, wait until the next menstruation and after that plan the pregnancy.

Sex after the GHA is limited to only 2-3 days, after which it is possible to continue to have sex in the old regime.