Causes of infertility in women

Infertility can be a big problem in a woman's life. According to statistics, about 10% of women of childbearing age have difficulty with conception. This may be due to various factors, from obstruction of the fallopian tubes to alcohol abuse. Let's look at the main causes of infertility.

What can cause infertility?

1. The most common reason for the inability to become pregnant with women is the problem with ovulation . This is the so-called hormonal infertility. Due to the decrease in the level of sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone and prolactin) in the ovary the egg does not ripen, that is, ovulation does not occur. Indicate this may be irregular and painful menstruation, frequent delays.

In order to check whether you are ovulating, it is enough to use a special test, or during several cycles to measure the basal temperature. These data will help the doctor determine the tactics of treating hormonal infertility.

2. Violation of patency of the fallopian tubes can also become one of the causes of infertility, which is most often caused by the inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. Complete or partial obstruction of the tubes prevents the normal advancement of spermatozoa towards the egg, as well as the transportation of the fertilized egg into the uterus. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes is the most common cause of infertility after abortion.

3. Also distinguish between cervical and uterine infertility . In the first case, the mucus of the cervix, which is released in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, has an unsuitable composition and consistency and thereby prevents the sperm from moving to its goal. In some, rather rare cases, antibodies to spermatozoa can even form in cervical mucus.

The causes of infertility in women are often anomalies in the structure of the uterus, as well as scars after abortion, cesarean section and other abdominal operations. Because of these features, a fetal egg can not normally attach to the wall of the uterus, and pregnancy does not occur. Uterine infertility often becomes the cause of secondary infertility in women (meaning the situation when the first pregnancy has already occurred earlier).

4. The problem of infertility very often results in the presence of sexually transmitted infections in the body. They often remain in a disguised form and do not manifest themselves in any way. Only when a couple has problems with conception, and they turn to a doctor, partners discover chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, herpes and other infections, which are the cause of infertility.

Inability to conceive can be blamed not only for viral and bacterial infections, but also for fungal infections. Ordinary thrush can not cause infertility in women, because discharge is just a symptom. But he can talk about some other disease, even about a sexually transmitted infection. Such signs should serve as an occasion for a visit to a gynecologist.

5. Harmful habits can also affect the ability to conceive, and women are susceptible to this no less than men. Unfortunately, in our time, smoking ladies are far from uncommon. But hardly each of them thinks that smoking can cause her infertility. The same can be said about the abuse of alcoholic beverages and narcotic substances.

6. If the partners were examined by a doctor and found to be physically healthy, then the reason can be covered in psychology.

Psychological or spiritual causes of infertility are hidden motives in a woman's subconscious of why she does not want the birth of this child.

Perhaps a woman:

Infertility in most cases can be cured, eliminating its root cause. The main thing is to call the doctor in time, which will help you conceive, endure and produce a healthy baby.