Pregnancy after Yarina

Often, women who have used oral contraceptives for a long time, worry that it is possible to face the problems of conception afterwards. Let's try to understand this situation, telling about the probability of pregnancy after the withdrawal of a drug such as Yarin.

What is the drug?

Yarina refers to monophasic combined contraceptive, i.e. with a low content of the hormonal component. This means that all tablets in the package have the same composition. The remedy reliably prevents unwanted pregnancy.

The drug acts as follows:

How soon does pregnancy occur after discontinuation of Jarin's contraceptive pills?

According to the conducted studies, statistical data, conception is possible already in the next cycle after discontinuation of the use of the drug. This statement is true if a woman drinks tablets 3-6 months.

After a long reception of Yarina in couples, pregnancy occurs within 1 year. However, if prior to the use of OK the woman had:

then after the course of such medicines the health improves, the hormonal background is restored. Quite often, the drug Jarina plus is prescribed, especially after the stagnant pregnancy.

Thus, it is necessary to say that after a short reception of the contraceptive tablets of Yarin, pregnancy occurs within the first 3 months. In order to avoid possible difficulties with conception, it is necessary to take a break after six months of using such a contraceptive.