Polycystosis and pregnancy

Sometimes it happens that women who live in marriage for many years and dream of a child, can not ever become a mother. There can be many reasons for this. One of them is excessive formation in the body of a woman androgens - male sex hormones. As a result, the menstrual cycle is broken, polycystic ovary develops, and pregnancy does not occur. Polycystic ovary can be a consequence of:

Is pregnancy possible with polycystosis?

Most often the disease begins with puberty, when the girl activates the hormonal function of the ovaries. Because of the excess of male sex hormones, the first symptoms of polycystic can appear: skin and hair become oily, hairyness develops in the male type, unexpectedly, weight increases significantly. If the girl does not have a menstrual cycle for a long time, the basal temperature remains constant throughout the whole cycle, and does not increase by about a degree in the second half of the cycle, it is necessary to turn to the gynecologist. A timely treatment will maintain the hormonal status of a young woman, and pregnancy can even occur against the background of polycystic ovaries.

In the treatment of polycystic use of hormonal therapy, which is designed to normalize the level of male and female sex hormones in the body of a woman. The existing excess weight should be reduced by the appointment of a diet and preparations for correcting body weight and fat metabolism. After creating a normal hormonal background, stimulate ovulation. If ovulation occurs, the woman has a chance to become pregnant. But it must be remembered that getting pregnant is not all. In case of polycystic ovary, pregnancy should be carried out as well. When bearing a child, the following problems may occur:

In addition, a woman has a high risk of diabetes, obesity and hypertension, and, consequently, an increase in androgens, because the existing polycystic during pregnancy does not go away. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to maintain drug therapy before delivery, and if necessary, and after. This is especially important if the woman is planning the next pregnancy after the treatment of polycystic ovary and the birth of the first child. After all, she still has the same set of genes, which is one of the causes of this disease.

Surgical methods of treatment

If drug therapy is ineffective within six months, the age of a woman 30 years or more resort to surgical treatment of polycystosis. Until recently, with the help of laparotomy, wedge or subtotal resection, decortication of the ovaries, was performed. Recently, minimally invasive methods have become widespread, in which the operation is performed through a laparoscope. With the help of laparoscopy, electrocoagulation and microrectomy of the ovaries, laser vaporization are performed. Pregnancy after laparoscopy for polycystic ovaries occurs much more often than with laparotomy, Laparoscopic surgery is less traumatic, less complicated by a soldering process in the small pelvis, which itself can lead to infertility.

Polycystic kidney and pregnancy

Kidneys in the human body daily perform tremendous work. During pregnancy, the load on the kidneys increases at times. The existing abnormality of the kidneys, for example polycystic can significantly worsen their work under high load and even cause a danger to life, both the fetus and the mother, in case the kidney develops failure. Therefore, before planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to examine the kidneys. Probably, in case of detection of polycystic kidneys about conception and pregnancy it is necessary to forget. Everything is decided by the doctor in each case. If you are not allowed to become pregnant, then you must carefully protect yourself. When choosing contraceptives it is better not to use hormonal drugs, because they aggravate the pathology of the kidneys and can increase blood pressure.

It must be remembered that the inability to give birth to a child is not a sentence. To know the joy of motherhood is possible through adoption, all the more so that with one happy child on Earth will become more.