When does the abdomen appear during pregnancy?

Many pregnant women are often concerned about the question: "How many months does the belly appear?" Or "What week does the stomach appear?" This is not surprising, because everyone wants to know what to prepare for. Someone has a wedding on the nose, and you need to know what style to buy a dress, and someone needs to decide when and how to tell the boss about their interesting situation. Someone may already be planning a summer or winter wardrobe, but does not know what will be the tummy by that time. The reasons, as we see, are mass. But an unequivocal answer, in how many weeks the belly appears, alas, no.

But the discrepancy in the timing of its appearance is not great. Most often the stomach appears at 14-16 weeks. It happens, of course, and so, that already at the 7th week of pregnancy, a woman does not like her favorite clothes. But in most cases it is caused not by the growth of the abdomen, but by an insignificant increase in the body weight of the pregnant woman.

And also there are cases when up to 20 weeks of pregnancy there were no external manifestations (namely, the abdomen), which made the pregnant woman very upset. After all, I want and that the place in transport is inferior, and that indulgence did, and feel like pregnant in the end! But such a late appearance of the abdomen is also a kind of norm, and do not worry. And it is worth remembering that the time on which the belly appears does not affect the final size of the stomach. That is, it may appear in 12 weeks, but this does not mean that it will be very large by the fortieth.

In addition, many doctors recommend that from the moment when the stomach begins to appear, wear a bandage. But we would not recommend treating him so categorically. Not all pregnant women have evidence to wear a bandage.

What affects the growth of the abdomen?

On what month the belly appears, the following factors influence:

  1. The constitution of a woman before the onset of pregnancy. And it can not be said that the more a woman is inclined to fullness, the earlier her tummy becomes noticeable. Rather, even vice versa! After all, in the first weeks the fetus is still very small, and the slight growth of the uterus is almost invisible to others. But if a woman is very thin, then even a very slight change in her tummy will be seen.
  2. The size of the baby. Here the principle is simple and understandable, the more a baby grew, the more the womb became, and, accordingly, the stomach. And up to 15-18 weeks the fetus grows slowly, and the change in the circumference of the abdomen is not great in comparison with the previous week. And after this period, you can almost every day to celebrate how grown up tummy.
  3. Not the least role is played by the number of amniotic fluid. If they are slightly more than the norm, then the period when such pregnant women appear belly less. And if less than the norm, then the stomach, respectively, will appear a little later. Deviation in the amount of water on a small pregnancy is normal and should not cause concern. The fact is that the amount of water and development of a child may be slightly ahead of each other, but by the middle of pregnancy everything should be normalized.

So now, when you know to whom the time should be expected for the appearance of the tummy and what affects its size, nothing will prevent your plans from being realized.