Can pregnant women have sex?

On the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to have sex, there is no definite answer. But with normal flow and the absence of any pathologies, many physicians are inclined to believe that the sex life during pregnancy is not only possible, but also useful.

First trimester

As a woman, as a rule, does not know about the coming conception - sex in the first weeks of pregnancy is unchanged. Another thing is that the first trimester is the time of the restructuring of the body, the so-called hormonal explosion. A woman, as a rule, becomes irritable, vulnerable and sensitive. And if you remember about the toxicosis that accompanies the first months of pregnancy, then about any sexual life and can not speak.

The first trimester is considered the most dangerous period of pregnancy, since the fetal egg only attaches to the wall of the uterus. That is why when you have any anxious symptoms, the threat of interruption or previous miscarriages from intimate life during the first three months of pregnancy is better to give up.

Second trimester

The second trimester, many women call the most favorable period of pregnancy, including for sexual life. Retreated toxicosis, normalized hormonal background, and the woman herself was used to her position, so sex in the second trimester, even at 25 weeks of pregnancy brings a pleasure.

Many women note that having sex during pregnancy is accompanied by stronger, and sometimes multiple orgasms. This is explained quite simply - the mucous membranes swell, the amount of secretion increases, the blood supply of the genital organs changes.

Third trimester

Sex in late pregnancy with its normal flow is considered quite safe - the child is securely protected by amniotic fluid, and the entrance to the cervix in the uterus is covered by a thick mucous plug. Many doctors allow sex not only on 7-8 months of pregnancy, but also until the beginning of labor.

Future mothers are worried about the question of how to have sex during pregnancy at such a time. Of course, sex at the 28-30 week of pregnancy has its own nuances, associated primarily with discomfort, which delivers a fairly large belly. It is worth noting, despite the fact that each couple chooses postures, taking into account their preferences, experts recommend to abandon the positions under which any pressure is applied to the stomach.

Sex in late pregnancy is important for the beginning of labor and the opening of the cervix. The fact that in male sperm there are special substances - prostaglandins, which soften the tissues of the cervix and help it to open up. After all, it's not for nothing that when pregnant, many experts recommend sex as a natural stimulant of labor.

Contraindications for sex during pregnancy

The reason to abandon the intimate life during pregnancy are abnormal discharge after sex, in particular blood. In addition, with a sexual life will have to wait, if there is the threat of interruption or previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage. Also, a contraindication is the low attachment of the fetal egg, the presentation and detachment of the placenta.

Lack of sex during pregnancy can be due to the psychological condition of the woman herself, in particular the fear of harming or losing a child. But we must remember that sex and orgasm contributes to the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness, which are responsible for the emotional well-being of the pregnant woman. In other words, happy mother is a happy child, so think before you give up sexual life.